Day 3 sober need advice

Day 3 is tough!! No urges which is great but my energy level is non-existent all I want to do is sleep and eat any advice on how to get back to normal???


you’re going to have to ride this out. Time can heal a lot. It does get better and the energy levels will return. Early sobriety is not easy especially the first couple weeks. But it does get better. It takes time for your mind and body to recover. Get involved with a program like AA, NA, Smart recovery there is lots of options. Go to meetings, connect with other people in recovery. Don’t ever forget how you ended up here. The most important thing is doing what you can for today. Do what you can for your recovery today and you will move forward. There’s going to be ups and downs but a drink or drug won’t solve anything and will only make things that much worse. Stay busy with your recovery and life so you have no time for bad feelings to get in the way. Stay grateful. Because a grateful alcoholic or Addict doesn’t have to use or drink. Life will get better if you put in the work.

Make sure you’re eating the right foods for energy like a well balanced diet.
Drink plenty of water.
You might feel like you want to sleep but make yourself get up and do something productive. The more you do this it will become easy and normal. Like they say a body in motion stays in motion.
With time the energy level returns and you will have normal sleeping patterns.


How are you doing @Shell38621 :palm_up_hand: day three s hard just ride it out if you want to sleep and eat do it but as @Bluekoolaid said try and get up and do some exercise go for a walk say hello to people on the street ,talk about stuff on your mind ,be positive about your day and don’t get sucked into a depressive state of mind . A meeting or chat to a recovery programme will imo 100% definitely help your early sobriety :kissing_heart: