Day 3-sobriety journey

I feel a lot more confident about quitting weed this time because I’ve finally realized and admitted that I’m an addict which i haven’t done before.I know this will be better for me but I just hate the mindset it puts me in I just feel a super depressed and friends are all going off to college really soon and I know that change and progression is good but my brain just always tells me everything in life isn’t gonna go my way or go wrong and that I’m gonna lose touch with these friends even though I know I won’t.I know staying sobers gonna help a lot with that though so hopefully my feelings and sense go back to normal soon.


I’ve had the same realisation. Quit cigarettes yesterday too which I’d been using to calm me down when feeling stressed out in the situation I’m in as I’m just getting addicted to those aswell . Good luck to you man we are on this journey together …


All the best to you my man we’ll get through this.