Hi there. Last night was terrible. I realize that I am supper sensitive to loud noises. I’ve been like that for several years. It’s like I have bad nerves and less tolerance for it. The alcohol used to make me drown some of it out. I was beyond irritable last night. Is this due to me being on day 2? I also started taking lexapro yesterday but doubt it’s been in my system long enough to give me that side effect (which I don’t think that’s one of their side effects)
Check out the article I posted in Advice called What happens to your body after you stop drinking? I found it very informative.
I’m afraid that’s normal, your senses are over sensitive in this phase. Happened to me too It will blow over though!
I also recommend that article.
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Its normal to be irritable early on in withdrawals. I definitely was! It will pass, just push through it.
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