So I finally had Marshalls my three year olds assessment , and his diagnosis came back that he is ASD & GDD ; Autistic & Global developmental delay.
Even though in my heart I knew he had autism and was delayed it still hit me like a ton of bricks.
However now that I have the diagnosis I can get all the help and funding needed to see him succeed, which makes my heart so happy.
It feels like the next 6 months to a year is going be over whelming with all that needs to be done.
I have a huge support system which is so helpful , especially being sober , I could not imagine doing any of this not sober.
Being sober has given me the strength as well as a clear head/mind to handle the situations better , don’t get me wrong , when his tantrums and screaming are at his worst it’s a bit mentally over whelming but I push through.
36 days sober , and going strong.
I can’t wait to see my little man excel in his life to his full potential .
Thank you for hearing todays thoughts, the first couple days were a bit emotional but I’m feeling much better about the process