Day 37, having thoughts of drinking /smoking

For some reason, there has been a mental change in the last 24 hours.

My mind has been thinking, and having a subtle urge to want to smoke just one cigarette, or to have a drink or two.

Not sure where it is coming from, or why. Only thing I can think of is that the weather turned colder and I always enjoyed drinking in the winter.

I have been strong, and feel like I still have great control, but it’s just there.

If anyone has dealt with this in their recovery, and insight would be great.

IT has been times when i had tought of this myself. Why well im a addict to drugs and alcohol, it will always be one part of me .and i axcept it.and it goes away. Keep remind yourself on how it has been before, what you lost because of it. You are in power of choose not to give in .life is for sure much better without. Do positive things and stay positive . Life is great if you let it be great

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@Goose perfectly normal. This last week was a struggle for me. I like to think of it as rewiring our brains. Our addict way of thinking is what we are accustomed and the way we programmed the way we think and deal with certain situations. When we stop using, we need to reprogram the way we think with healthy choices. That will be different from one individual to another. @Oliverjava has a list of things to do instead of using. Angie, can you help us out on where on here that list is?


Thats some list :slight_smile: its good for everyone. Do whatever you need to do guys whats good for you

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You stay busy that is for sure :slight_smile: you are for sure willing !! Stick to it :slight_smile:

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Thats is the spirit . I am inspired by you .thank you for you being you :slight_smile:

Worked 4 hours at a house I still do landscaping side work for, then two AA meetings this evening back to back.

Feel like I’m in a better place and state of mind.

Awesome keep it up @Gooze