Day 4 of sobriety and I feel great (:

Day 4 is nearing an end. If I can make it to day 7 it’ll be my longest streak of sobriety since having my daughter. I’m so excited of what’s to come. (: Truly am happy of the way my life is turning around. I had some good friends over today and this day was just amazing. The first time I had fun sober in a long time. I’m beginning to feel like my old self again, which is what I’ve wanted for so long.


Keep it up start building a routine hope all goes well


Great job on reaching the end of day four. One week clean is good, but two is better, three even better and so on. We get there one day at a time, and one way to do that is NEVER CRAVE ALONE When you want to drink, talk to someone. Come here, tell us, let us help you through the rough times we all went through. It really helps talking to someone about it.


Congratulations with your sober days and happy feeling! Hard days will pop up too, so be aware of that. So think about it in front what you are going to do when cravings kick in. I don’t want to spoil your feeling happy, just be aware :hugs:


Congrats on making it to day 4! Just keep taking it one day at a time. :blush:

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