Day 45, clean from drugs

Hi, im new here and just looking for motivation. I am 45 days clean from Methamphetamine…A daily user for approximately 7 yrs, high functional addict i guess, my family/most friends have no idea. My current boyfriend and i got clean “together”, he went to an inpatient treatment facility on March 16 of this year and i stopped cold turkey. That 1st week was absolutely horrible. The depression, cravings, missing him and the constant struggle to get up and live a somewhat normal life were a struggle i never want to experience again. He completed a 30 day program and came the week after Easter. We are still clean and loving the new us. We have so much work still ahead of us but we’re falling in love all over again, enjoying the time we have and the things we took for granted. If theres anyone out there struggling with an addiction of any kind just remember how happy you were before the darkness took over. So many positive things have happened since we’ve been clean, things, opportunities, chances we wouldn’t have gotten before. We’re attending church and enjoying our families in a way we weren’t able to when we were high. It is possible, YOU are worth it and things will get better!!


This is beautiful… well done to u both X. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It felt really nice to be remembering things. New memories

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I just want to say im proud of ya’ll. Keep fighting the good fight. Be the light in this dark world. Great Job