Day 5 after relapse

So yeah, i relapsed over Christmas. Im feeling okay about it though. Getting back on that wagon. Wishing you all the best in the new year


Hey Joseph happy 2024 to you too! It’s a great day to be clear, clean and sober. So glad you’re here and we simply move forward!


Great to see you back with us on the sober track Joseph - excellent work on your 5+ days – keep it going friend :muscle:


One day at a time, embrace the love and support here, work your routine and get after it! :muscle:t2:

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Great stuff on day 5 you got this

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Learn from it, tweak your toolbox and keep trying. It’s worth it!!!

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Thank you all. Getting on for 8 days. Viva la sobriety. Best to you all


9 days is great! Odaat!
And always reach out if you need to

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