Day 5 back to work

Hey all hope Yee are all good so Iam on day 5 again after been doing so well these past few months I fell back into my old ways and I think it’s because of not journalling what I have done what I could do different

Not staying on this site and getting more advice from people who are in the same boat as you gain knowledge from others experience I have been thinking about what l I did wrong for me to fall back into this mess and I am trying to correct it plan ahead stay busy

I went back to work today after a week off feeling sorry for myself but Ian not going to feel sorry for myself anymore time to forget the past and realise how much happier I was without drink and cocaine


Good for you @Mossy91 - one day at a time :+1:

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Day 6 Friday night 20.05 and I am getting into bed with some goodies to watch a film I had some strong cravings 5 or 6 times today I thought I was going to give in at one stage but so glad I didnt the weekend will be a big test but feeling positive after today :slightly_smiling_face: