Day 5 mixed feelings

Hi guys, it is day number five! Yeah!
Yesterday I went out with my girl didn’t know what to expect and was a bit disappointed, still have to remember myself I made 5 days but that do not equal the wasted years. We ate some syrian cuisine :+1:t2::ok_hand:t2:. All in all i gave the day only 5 of 10. Today I woke up with anger in my body and I don’t know why, I spend the last hours rage cleaning the home. Now I‘m done and hope i can get a bit more excited about the five days i ’survived‘.
I hope you have a nice weekend. 🫶🏻😁


Its really early days Max but your doing great…emotions definitely get heightened in these early days…accept how u feel and just go with it for now…i myself cried buckets at first then followed a really angry time…i got quite fond of screaming into pillows lol it all levels out eventually…its all the emotions that we have numbed for so long coming to the surface. Dont try to fight what you feel just roll with it as it comes and remember to keep your sobriety your top priority. Sending hugs :people_hugging:


Catching a meeting and hearing from others who found a way to work on their emotional sobriety helps too! At least for me it has.

Finding calm is really difficult for us types, but it does get easier with time away from the drink.

5 days is badass!


Way to crack 5 days Mark! That’s a solid start.

Welcome to feelings, emotions and thoughts that are no longer numbed by addiction. It can be rocky in early days, but roll with it. Feel the feels. Keep going ODAAT. It will get easier. You’ve got this :muscle:


You are doing great! :tada::clap::tada:
Maybe you are still working on accepting that you can never drink again, andthat you have to work hard to do what others seem to do naturally. I also find that tough sometimes. But when the alternative is blowing my life up, I accept and get to work. Keep going :+1:


Yeah, feeling feelings like they are supposed to feel is pretty intense and it sucks. :sweat_smile: thank you for your wise words, i appreciate it. :+1:t2:

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The rage waves from withdrawals will ease with time my guy! Remember the sobriety journey isnt just sobriety alone its a healing journey.