Day 5, so proud

It’s been a really hard month or so. Lost my insurance so I’m off important mental health meds, among other things. Losing this really kicked my drinking up, which is when I realized I had a problem. The husband and I had a serious argument yesterday ; the old me would have turned to alcohol. Guess what I did?? I ate a double whopper in the Burger King parking lot, and then I went home to talk it out.
I’m so proud of myself :face_holding_back_tears: today I felt pretty depressed but I’m drawing myself a bubble bath and making tea! Still not turning to the drink!

One day at a time!


Great work!

Be proud of you ᛫so going on one day at a time

Those things are certainly something to be proud of!

I would add some more things into my arsenal, tho food and baths still play a role in my recovery to this day. :slight_smile:
Resources for our recovery

And I hope you can get your insurance back soon!
All the best!

Awesome job

Honestly well done! It’s hard having big emotions and argument and not to drink in the heat of it all. You took some time for yourself and came back and sorted it! That’s sucha achievement I’m even sat here feeling so proud for you! :heart: Well done you x

Right on! Such a rad victory! I’m on day 5 myself. Just taking it one day at a time and doing what I can to stay focused :pray:

You should be! You gotta start somewhere!!!