Day 5 Still Sober

So today is my 5th day of being abstinent from alcohol and drugs. I’ve been working on my 4th Step inventory with a sponsor and really hope to surpass my record of 97 days sober. I got up this morning and read the Daily Reflection and listened to music. I made some green tea and thought of all I’m grateful for. I’m really grateful to see another day sober. I’ve been thinking of some hobbies to take up. I hope you all have a wonderful day.


Congratulations on 5 days :sunflower:
Have you seen the gratitude thread? You are welcome to join and share :four_leaf_clover:

Congrats! I’m on day 4 - we’ve got this!

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Congrats to both @MDF94 and @Ofmiceandroach

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Good going! This is a journey we all have to take one day at a time.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Welcome to the community Matt. Way to go with your solid start on your sobriety journey.

I did find that hobbies and finding other ways to keep myself busy was very effective in dealing with my urges. This is a wonderful community to be a part of - a lot of great advice, support and distractions here.

Welcome to the family - hope to see you around.

Congrats on 5 days! Sounds like yours is better than mine was I was sick with COVID and curled up in bed. It was fortunate for me I felt like crap regardless and couldn’t tell the difference between sickness and withdrawal :joy:

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