Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Thanks, dear!


Back to work today after my holiday which is pretty crap, but I’m grateful it will be my first “new year” returning to work sober for the first time in over 20 years


And this mornings quote on the app is pretty fitting for today, “A successful person begins with two beliefs: the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so. - Sober Time’s message for January 10, 2024.”


i’m grateful i accomplished a lot today despite still feeling pretty low energy.

had a great band practice with my best friend.

grateful that i attended an AA mtg in my neighborhood on sunday and really enjoyed it. i felt very welcomed. i shared through tears- proud of myself for that.

hope to catch another mtg tomorrow eve.


I am grateful to read about some fantastic milestones reached. Huge congratulations on 18 months @M-be-free49. I always love to read the things you chose to share. :orange_heart:
I am grateful for frosty frosty temperatures these days - I love when the moist in the air freezes and the sun makes the air glitter like gold.
I am grateful I could help my mom to get to the hospital when she broke her arm slipping on ice (be careful out there, friends) and took care of all her immediate needs. I am also grateful I can now slowly detach some again and keep my healthy distance.
I am grateful for the half hour each morning to check in at my home thread and get myself grounded in my sobriety.
I am grateful to read I am not the only one still looking for a tune for this upcoming year @erntedank. But who says it all has to be done in the first week of the new year. Eventually it will all come together.
I love the origami hearts @Chiron. That is just so adorable and really made my heart melt for you. Thank you for sharing.
Last but definately not least: grateful for my extra strong coffee this morning, so I can start my day somewhat awake.


Lunchtime gratitude.
It’s cold, sunny and I’m happy. Oh my god this is my weather. I love it. I enjoy it, it won’t last for long.
I’m grateful I had a refreshing short excercise in the chill air! I’m grateful the christmas tree is still glimmering ans shining in the sun. Have to take it down soon, it’s getting dry.
I’m grateful for cats & me enjoying the sun. I’m grateful the old boy wants to lie on me all the time and I can comfort him.
i’m grateful for delicious breakfast. I’m grateful I live alone, my cats don’t care that I need a shower and laze around after doing chores. Not that the ex cared but the social motivation for me to shower before doing chores was much higher. I’m grateful I notice changes in lifestyle like this. I’m grateful I take better care of myself than 2 years ago. I’m grateful to be content and not stressed. I wonder if I maybe give too little fucks. Maybe I’m heavily irritated by my messed up sleeping pattern. Sleeping in every day robbs me off my normal routine and I haven’t figured out yet how to reboot it. Fuck covid. I’m grateful the symptoms are almost gone, but there’s still recovery ongoing, I’m not completely healthy again. And the tiredness fades out very slowly. I’m grateful I notice that it gets better, babysteps. ODAAT :pray:


I am grateful that my best friend has incorporated me into her family, I have a lot of issues dealing with mine, so hanging out with hers makes me feel safe and happy.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety,
619 days free from weed and alcohol
5.3 months no vaping
Got my ass to the gym even though im not 100%
Hot showers to help with congestion
Left the house for the 1st time in 2 days
Road conditions arent too bad after 2 days of sleet and snow
Cough syrup is helping
Flexibility to work from home during snow events
Time away from Boscoe lol, love him, but sometimes he just stares at me and it freaks me out
Countdown to final weighin
Countdown to coasta rica


My sponsors husband sent me this, they are both pillars in our local recovery community. This is long, but even just listening for a few minutes makes my heart fill right up with gratitude. :heart:


I am grateful for thermoshirts.
Grateful I had a cup of tea with a friend who’s doing dry January, we had a nice talk about sobriety. In the same café we used to drink together…
Grateful for getting back to healthy cooking again.
I am grateful for this weather, the world is better with sunshine :sunny:
I am grateful for the good people in my house. Although I like being alone too, I enjoy hearing my son and his gf joking and laughing.


I am grateful that I have healthy body to propel me through these days. I am grateful for this gratitude community for being a light in my dark.


Grateful for these things today…

-my monthly calendar organizer full of upcoming creative projects, performances, and quality time with friends.
-car insurance- thank god i don’t have to pay 4k for the repairs needed from a hit & run!
-my apartment & landlord who hasn’t raised the rent in 2 years
-calming my nervous system
-the patience and slowness that comes naturally with winter


I’m grateful I got to wake up too early on my own so I got to walk the Ol Burner, so I could get to meet my sponsor for coffee and 9.
I’m grateful I get to know the sun still isn’t up at 7. I’m grateful I could wait until day break to walk.

I’m grateful I got to go to my meeting last night. I’m grateful the topic was self care and I’m grateful I’ve been doing pretty good at that to start the year off.

I’m grateful I didn’t pick up the dangling rope this morning.

I’m grateful I get to volunteer for my first service position for the Sunday night Al-Anon meeting. I’m grateful I stubbornly get to do this even though I could be moving soon. But just for today, I can get to find out how to get more pamphlets for us to read during the meetings. I’m grateful I don’t know what I’m doing and I’m grateful I get to figure it out.

I’m grateful I got to go!
I’m grateful I got to get my gratitude in this morning.
I’m grateful to share my experience strength and hope and gratitude here with y’all.

Think about someone you appreciate and thank them mentally for what they’ve done.
From that web site I posted yesterday :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m grateful I don’t need to go anywhere today because we got a ton of snow last night and I’m just gonna nope right out of leaving my humble abode.

@Pinkeuphoria , @JazzyS , @Pandita The little origami stars are adorable and it was very thoughtful of him. @erntedank There are definitely loving and caring men, showing that in their own ways. Growing up, most of the men in my life were abusive and not good people, so I thought I’d never get married. I definitely don’t take his presence for granted.


I’m very tired and almost in bed but I want to share my gratitude.

I’m grateful for the nice birthday party and the good food I was able to enjoy without cravings, bingeing, overeating or obsessing about food. I don’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed around food.

I’m grateful for sleep, rest, and recovery.


“the air glitters like gold” loved that imagery :heart:. Will view these cold months differently…thank you. Glad you were able to be there for your mom. Hope she heals quickly. Amen to extra strong coffee :pray::pray:


Today I’m grateful for free meditations. I’ve listened to a couple of gratitude meditations, they really do help in changing my outlook on things.
I’m grateful I’m feeling better than yesterday, my stomach was churning and my mind was whirling yesterday, I managed to have a little chat with my partner and even though this couldn’t actually solve anything I felt so much better for talking.
I’m grateful I got out with the dog this afternoon, just our usual walk but it’s quiet and it’s time to myself.
I’m grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


Hump day gratefulness!
I am so grateful for good sleep. I was able to fall asleep around midnight (earliest in a long time) and when i woke up not so fresh i was able to sleep some more.
I am so grateful that i put my phone on Do Not Disturb to be able to sleep without interruptions.
I am so grateful that i happened to be up to get the call for my follow-up tests required and was able to get to the womans center in time (had 1 hour to get ready and there).
I am so grateful that they were quick with all the testing - had three different imaging required and looks like just dealing with complicated cysts and a floating lymph node. Nothing to be worried about and will do a follow-up in 6 months.
I am so grateful that my sister’s boss was so understanding and let her leave early so that she could get to Ann Arbor in time to take my mom to her appointment.
I am so grateful that i found someone who will shovel for me at the house at a very reasonable rate. A reliable person who helped me this fall with landscaping clean up.
I am so grateful for my practice of meditation and prayer. Grateful that it helps keep my positivity. Grateful for my faith in knowing i will get through this health patch. Grateful that i know it could be a lot worse.
I am so grateful for my amazing family. Grateful that my sister is so beautiful, is willing to part with her cats (they are her babies) so that i will move in with her. She thinks she needs to take care of me. So crazy - hell no am i letting her part with her babies. Wants to give back for when i had her live with me to help her out. No way am i moving in with her 1.5 away from my mom but was hard to say no to her. Very thoughtful and sincere - a beautiful gesture which i graciously declined.
I am so grateful for coffee - grateful i was able to take my strong cup of warm hugs in a mug with me to my appointment this morning.
I am so grateful for red light therapy. Grateful that it helps with the pain.
I am so grateful for warm compresses. Grateful for slow healing.
I am so grateful for access to healthy food stores. Grateful for an abundance of delicious produce.
I am so grateful for my sober peeps here - grateful for our amazing community and i love seeing so much support! Grateful to be reading everyone’s posts. Grateful to see how gratitude can help us get out of our funk and see the silver lining in our daily lives.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


So thankful for another day sober. Each day keep getting much easier. Hope everyone has a blessed day :heart::hugs:


I’m grateful for cuddles from my daughter.
I’m grateful for my sobriety.
I’m grateful for my bed and fresh sheets.