Day 6 and struggling

I’m on day 6 and really struggling right now. I usually have a long commute but work at home on Fridays so Thursdays is a danger zone. Temptation is creeping up on me, with the following excuses springing to mind:

  • tomorrow is the 1st of a new month. Wouldn’t it be best to make a new start then?
  • I have an appointment at a clinic on the 12th December. Maybe I should leave it till then to stop, when I’ll have some face-to-face support?
  • today’s been a rubbish day at work. I’m still a useless person with or without booze.
  • my eating has been terrible this week (I have an ED as well). I need a break from thinking about that part of the problem, even if it makes things worse in the long run.
  • I can’t stand the thought of giving up forever. But I can’t do forever, why bother with today?
  • whenever I give up one addiction, another glides in to replace it, so why even try?
    Thoughts I’m trying to use to counter it:
  • I want to feel well tomorrow
  • I have never, ever woken up and thought “I’m glad I drank last night”
  • I still have to drive my kids to school and nursery in the morning
  • if I can’t get past Day 6 this time, why should any other time be easier?
    Feel really on the edge here!

That’s the addiction begging to be fed. You have to choose not to listen. If you are at work it’s hopefully enough to occupy your mind? After work it’s time to do something anything to be busy! Before you commute home get a long walk in get your head right. Excersise meditation crafts hobbies reading literally anything. Hit a meeting? All the justification and rationalizing will be crushingly hard right now it’s important to let them pass. And sometimes letting them pass means you do shit until you are so tired you fall into bed and sleep. Today is six days you have won the fight I don’t think you want to start over again? So what can/will you do to change your thoughts for this moment.


Thank you - I’m going to go to the gym now, plan on doing some crafts when I get home…

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I am glad you are taking action. It takes work especially at first. We are here when you need to vent.

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I gave in yesterday to these gnawing, endless addictive voices. I wish I had been vigilant, or opened up. I let it take me down but we don’t have to succumb to that grab and drag game. It’s so hard. But I know you can get to the place where this pressure dies down, and the clarity feels soothing rather than like a scary void to fill or drown. I won’t drink with you today and I’m sending strength and being given so much from your post. Thank you :two_hearts:


It’s hard, but you can get past day 6. Posting here is a great first step to getting there. Your addiction wants you to give in but YOU do not. You have the power to not drink just for today…or just for this hour. We’re here to cheer you on. Just think how proud you’ll be to hit one week!!!
If you feel the urge to have something in your hand or something to sip on, get yourself sparkling water or a soda or coffee, whatever your non-alcoholic drink is.


All those excuses are just your addict voice trying to get you to drink. Like you said, you’ve never woken up and been glad you drank. Don’t give in, you’ll feel so good tomorrow and that much stronger for winning the battle today. Here for you!! I totally get it.


I am right here with you- halfway through day 6 and I am feeling the itch. 5-8pm is my danger zone and it is creeping up. Binging on water and candy through gritted teeth for now.


I really, really just want to have a drink with a date instead of having to avoid the subject. A couple times it went too far though.

I have had several dates in recovery and all them have been fun. Okay maybe not all good but at least I am in the moment and I am not being the addict that resides in me. I Was was not always a great person. He was good at getting what I wanted. The next morning that regret is terrible. I’m very proud of the sober me. So change your perspective


You’re right. I’ve noticed the date sometimes becomes more about the drink than the person. I don’t know how to be open and vulnerable without it. Makes it so much easier to bond, even if it’s a little artificial at the time.

Day 6 was hard for me, I chose to stay in detox that day. I was terrified of being set out on my own again but now I’m almost at 6 months. Trust me the daily routine wad hard to break, all the old stopping spots… the liquor stores, 7/11 ’ s, parks…whereever. changing your driving up helps. I also took to coloring, crafting, and puzzles. I do not miss throwing up everyday or the unbearable headaches and sweating… I am enjoying REMEMBERING things now instead of waking up and looking for clues. Surrounding myself with people I can relate to rather than sit in extreme anxiety thinking of what constant judgement people who have never delt with this situation may have. Stay positive, take the words of wisdom given really to heart and think about them throughout the day. You got this.


In my later addiction it was always artificial. I have to read people daily and the drunk could manipulate that too. I don’t let very many people to see the vulnerable side of me so I get what you are saying. But I can show them the person I am until they get close they don’t need to know how to hurt me. I know I have work to do yet. But we are addicts because we need to numb pain so not everyone needs to granted instant access to that side of me.

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Yeah. The anxiety is that you only get one shot usually and if you’re cold and rigid like I tend to be, bad news. Maybe I’m just trying to make excuses to drink.

I have two dates this week and I did not suggest any bars. Sushi and coffee.

Thank you - I’m definitely not drinking now. Got home, had a bath, want to have some good, not passed-out, sleep. Hope you have a lovely evening.

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I’m right there with you. Sounds exactly like me! I’m on day 6…approaching 7 and my danger zone is from 5-8 as well. Going to a meeting tomorrow night that I’m really looking forward to. I’m struggling a lot physically, emotionally and in ways that I didn’t expect. I’m so drained today.


Me too- halfway through day 6. I’m fine once I’m home- I’ve never been a home drinker. But I am anxious and bored and just starting to get really irritable.

I’ve woken up without a hangover and feeling so good about not giving in. Thank you so much for encouraging me - the support here makes all the difference


I read that thread and seeing rowans last message about not drinking was wonderful that just shows the power and and support of this page and show actually how much support makes a difference well do everyone xxxx

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Another Thursday and I started thinking back that first one. It was so much harder then. Today I don’t want to drink. The support here has been SO important for those early days.