Day 8… Halloween Party - Need Advice

I’m on Day 8 and a good friend of mine just invited me over for a Halloween party this Saturday. I haven’t really told anyone I’m quitting drinking yet but I was with this particularly friend the night I drank to the extent that has led me to quit and she tends to excuse my behavior when I’ve over-served myself. All signs point to saying no but I don’t know how to tell her. I’m not drinking, my boyfriend is not drinking (he just had surgery on a crushed foot), they live 45 minutes away, my boyfriend can’t go up and down stairs right now, they have a big dog that likes to jump, it’s an unsafe night to be on the road, and there will be lots of drinking and probably drugs at this party. I can list a million reasons not to go and my gut tells me no but having a hard time telling her no. Thoughts?


Just ghost that message :rofl::rofl:


Honesty, a good friend will be supportive. unless they’re like my best mate who seems to think I should drink and take drugs just to keep him and his addictions company. But that’s them and we’ve moved on.


You say it all right here. You can use your bf as an excuse if you won’t/can’t tell her otherwise. Whatever you say don’t go.


Sounds like you need to stay home and help your boyfriend. It’s getting hard for you to drive at night. You just had a Covid test and shouldn’t come. Car battery died. You have a headache. You can’t make it.

Write those down on separate sheets of paper, put them in a hat, then draw. Whatever you pull is the reason you give.

Then you stay at home watch a horror movie and eat candy.


Whatever you have to do to stay sober, do it. You don’t ow anyone an explanation. You can simply say No Thanks.


Haha thanks everyone! I forgot to mention I have ZERO interest in dressing up / celebrating Halloween. My boyfriend and her boyfriend are also very good friends so the four of us are very accustomed to partying together. But I need to just do whats best for me and learn how to say no!


Stay home and make some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies!


IMO 8 days is way to early to be going out to a party like this. If you’re serious about your sobriety you’ll tell her the truth or come up with an excuse.
Most importantly DON’T GO. Now is the time to be selfish to your sobriety. You’re going to get a lot of practice with the upcoming holidays. Missing a party or 2 isn’t the end of the world.


You listed five valid reasons to not attend. Sounds like you don’t need a way to say no to the host, rather you need to find a way to be okay with yourself saying no.

@Dazercat is right. It’s probably too soon. You’ll be 2 weeks sober at Halloween. Two weeks and you’ll be feeling better physically and clearer mentally. And it would be very easy to convince yourself, at a party, that you can handle one or two. One piece of advice I got was to stay out of slippery places for that very reason.


Ok guys, I did it. I told her I can’t make it and asked her to support me in my decision not to drink!


Good choice :pray:t2:

Got out of the party and set boundaries with a drinking buddy! Nice! :muscle:

Hey there,
Best advice I can give is listen to your gut. It’s telling you not to go for a reason or as you listed several. You DO NOT have to justify yourself or the reason you quit. You can kindly but firmly say. While I appreciate the invite, I am unable to attend the party. I hope it goes well and you have a great time. It’s really that easy. Sometimes we make things harder than they have to be. Sending love and strength your way

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I see what you did there

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Projectile diarrhea?

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If they eat candy like I eat candy then it is a distinct possibility that would occur

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Yay for you!!! You made the right choice!!