Day 99 - Sober life

Today marks the completion of 99 days on my journey to sobriety, a milestone I take great pride in achieving. This past decade, it’s the first time I’ve maintained sobriety for such an extended period. Throughout these 99 days, various challenges arose that tempted me to revert to old habits. Despite the allure of momentary relief, I understood deep down that indulging even once would reset my progress. For those battling addiction, there’s no respite; sobriety is a constant requirement, every second of the journey.

Upon breaking free from my bad habits, I also distanced myself from a multitude of individuals—those who were once companions in my destructive behaviors, some of whom I had known since childhood. I severed ties with them all. It became evident that they were not genuine friends. For someone battling addiction, anyone offering substances cannot be considered a friend; in fact, they are adversaries. In my life, prioritizing sobriety outweighs any other influence.

For individuals grappling with addiction, the most significant challenge lies in managing free time and overcoming boredom. Upon abstaining from detrimental habits, the world can appear mundane and uninteresting, lacking in stimulation. There’s a pervasive sense of disinterest in engaging with others or pursuing activities. However, to triumph over addiction, it’s imperative to first master the art of occupying free time and combating boredom.



99 days is huge, big congrats :sparkles::sparkler::star:


Congratulations on your incredible sober journey!:muscle:


This is mighty impressive and i am grateful to see you stacking up the days even through life’s challenging moments. Keep using your tools and pushing forward :muscle:

Congrats on all your sober time! :tada: :clap:

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Congratulations on 99 days…soon to be :100:!! :star2::star2::star2:

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Are you there yet? :hugs:
At the :one::zero::zero: days?

I take my chances to be the first one to celebrate the magic :one::zero::zero: :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
Congratulations!! :tada::tada::tada:
giphy (5)



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