Day III returning to this forum

I was on this forum a little over a year ago. I was not successful and i deleted the app in frustration (which i shouldn’t have done). I want to try and sober up again so that I can find some modicum of self respect.
Ive been off coke and cigarettes for over two years now, but i can not shake the habit of alcohol; which has caused me serious problems in the past which impacts on the present.
Ive damaged my interpersonal relationships and how people look at me, because of things I did when i was drunk.
I am tired of feeling like a bad person, i am tired of feeling that the only way i can function in stressful situations is to drink. I am tired of waking up in the morning feeling depressed and guility not knowing what i did when i blacked out, preemptive guilt!
Im hoping i will be successful this time.


Hi! Welcome to the forum. This place is amazing with some very supportive people. I could not stay sober and I could never even imagine a time where I didn’t drink. But with this place and the support I have here I am now sober over 1500+ days! Stick s as round here and read and post. I wish you well on your journey, it’s nice to meet you! :smiling_face::pray:t2:


Good having you here Joseph,
this forum is an amazing place full of amazing people who support one another. Take some time and read through the threads, there’s so much wisdom and experiences here.
Wishing you well on your sober journey :pray:

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Start stringing those sober days together. Waking up without guilt or feeling terrible is addictive. Mornings are my favourite part of the day now :sparkling_heart: all the best in your journey. Keep checking in.


Thank you for your kind words and such a warm welcome. I will try and stick it out this time :slight_smile:

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Welcome back! Don’t focus on the past — what’s done is done. Focus on the present. Every new day is a day to start over. If things run smoothly this time around, great! If you run into bumps along the way, don’t beat yourself up. Just get back up and start over. You got this! The first few days are tough but it gets easier. Keep your mind busy. And drink lots of water, tea, or soda water. Take your vitamins and eat healthy foods! Good luck!


Welcome. I had a ‘paddy’ (temper tantrum UK slang) and left a FB group and also left another app before I settled here and got sober.
I can really remember the terrible guilt and self-loathing after acting out whilst drunk. It is possible to put it behind you and move on.
What have you tried so far? Here are a tonne of ideas.
Resources for our recovery
Just keep working at it til it sticks.


I can relate on all points . Hitting day 7 tomorrow. I got fed up with my drunk self as well . She is bad news and doesnt represent who K really is . She had to go


It is my first day on here and after my first post and reading a couple of others I already feel tons of support. I hope you can get the support you need too, I know the feelings you are describing all too well and they are brutal. I hope you start feeling better again soon!


Every word is relatable. I have deleted things like this before to. I’m tired of giving up. Hooing you can oush through to. :pray:


Today is my first day here and reading all the supportive posts is so reassuring. It just feels right. I know we’re in the right place and we CAN DO THIS!