This is the farthest i have been in a very long time tomorrow will be my first week (10 plus years of everyday drinking) and Im very proud of myself. I have found it easier to tell others that i “quit” drinking and when I do I feel satisfied with it. I did think about drinking today with all the stress I have been going through with my living situation. I moved in with a friend of a friend and hes a WALKING train wreck. He sits in his garage all evening and drinks on a stool in the middle of the room and by the time I get there he is so wasted and comes after me with CRAZY CRAZY talk its so exhausting. I just need to continue to take it one day at a time and it does get easier, there is no going back now… i just need tp continue to be strong.
@Shelbyeriss be Proud of what you have complished so far. Im also very happy when you say u can tell other People your descission AND YOU Can BE SATISFIED WITH That .thats just awesome ! You deserve the good things that comes in your life. Regarding your friend : you told the person what you do? Maybe he will take note on that and start a better understanding… if it gets worse you might consider moving. I can not tell you what to do , thats up to you . Want only but good for you . Stay positive and stay focused .one day at the time
Thank you @Cobaltchris, no I have made the decision to move. I do not feel safe there and he is very passive aggressive and manipulative and he brings the anxiety that I just removed from quitting drinking back. I have been looking and keeping faith that I will find a place of my own that I can feel comfortable in. A couple of good options on the horizon. thank you for listening and always being positive. I hav been keeping a spiral of positive thought for when ever I get stressed or even happy I write them down to keep me motivated. Almost like self inspiration. It has been a really big help. Thank you again for always being there for me in this forum. You always seem to be there for everyone with kind words of encouragement.
@Shelbyeriss thank you so much for thoose kind words, i do appreciate that 100% in my past i was like the devil it self… i changed bigtime trough rehab, my homegroup, 12 step, my sponsor and this forum. Im happy that you choose to think about moving , u need to do that for yourself, No one has the right to press down another person or animal for that matter . To write down positive things about and for yourself thats very good . Be kind to yourself and do whats best for you. You deserve that