Day One Alcohol Free, Soon to be Day One With One Less Brother

During Covid my younger brother ended up with Guillain-Barré syndrome and lost use of his lower body for almost a year. He had struggled with loneliness and turned to booze. He hid it from us all. 6 weeks ago he was rushed via ambulance to a hospital due to liver failure. After two weeks they sent him home. After two days my parents knew something was still very wrong. The past four weeks there was ups and downs and we thought he could pull through. Today it hit me that he is in the end stage and most likely won’t recover. I gave him a card to sign for our sisters birthday and he was just writing scribbles not knowing it. After I got home tonight I put everything alcohol in a box and threw it away. I am devastated. I have so many regrets and feel so angry with myself. I am not giving up hope but I am starting my life alcohol free today. Thank you for listening. I love you Leo.


Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m sorry to hear of your brother… that’s very difficult. There is always hope though… I’ve seen with my own eyes a person bounce back from being completely yellow skin and eyes, swollen, wet brained… i would’ve bet a million dollars they were gonna die within days. They didn’t. That person was is my mom. She’s almost 4 years sober now and doing well. Best wishes to you


Very sad about your brother, I hope he will pull through.
Congratulations to you for making the decision to stop alcohol. Lots of info and resources here.
Welcome to the community.


Thank you for the kind words. Unfortunately he passed away. I went on a bender and checked myself into rehab. Going on 42 days sober now.


I am glad to hear that your mom recovered. I got myself help and am on the road to bettering myself now in honor of my brother. Took time off work to spend time with my other brother and got my first tattoo!


Sincere sympathy.
And mega congrats!

In honor of your brother… beautiful.

I am so sorry about your brother.
thanks for checking in @Xelareklaw


Welcome to TS :hugs: Quite a strong story…You’re on the right path… I have always lied to myself about the level of alcohol toxicity so that the experience is a bit more pleasant. That’s BS of course. Thank you for sharing your story


Anytime my friend. The thoughts have been creeping in telling why I should just have a drink but I’ve been keeping them at bay. It’ll try convince you of anything to make it seem like it’s alright. Stay strong!

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so sorry for your loss… yes, how far away addiction takes us from our loved ones… and how once we start becoming sober, we learn to love, and understand love…


Sorry for your loss :disappointed_relieved: I did the same thing when I lost my mum 9 months ago. But I can say I’m now 5 months sober.
Losing someone you love is devastating, but honouring their memory by living our lives to the fullest and healthiest way we can, is the best gift we can give them and ourselves :sparkling_heart: proud of you!

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Sorry for you loss, wishing you the very best on your journey.

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Very proud of the 5 months you’ve got Asher. I’ve been filling all the “free” time I gained from quitting and put the energy in going into a gym. Hoping by the time I’m 5 months sober I’ll have a new 6 pack on my abs haha.


Thank you very much. I wish you all the best days ahead!

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I agree Leah, even though my brother was going through hospital visits. I never thought it would end like this. Our home family has become a lot closer and live and love for him now. Wishing you well!


Good idea :clap: I’m sorry about your brother - it is heartbreaking to see that - but this decision to cut alcohol out of your life will save you from ever having to go through that tragedy.

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what was your poison? where r u from? ve u been sober for a while? :slight_smile: