Day one, here we go again

well, i was close to two weeks, but i guess it happens, i will fix it


It doesn’t have to happen!
It’s down to you.


Relapse is part of addiction not part of recovery. Hit a meeting or recovery service. Do something different this time


Almost 2 weeks is a good start! Glad you are back at it.


Almost 2 weeks is better than anything I’ve done in the past 4 or 5 years.


I’m a chronic relapser. Its all down to choices. We CHOOSE to get high. Now let’s choose recovery. What will you do different?

I’m getting close to 33 years. I had a spiritual experience at 25. One thing I’ve learned is that a belly full of alcohol and a head of AA ruins drinking. All we get is a 24 hour reprieve. Maybe your not ready, but don’t let anyone put you down. If you are truly an alcoholic your brain is wired to drink.

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Agreed, 90 in 90!


33 years old or 33 years of continuous sobriety. Whereabouts in the world are you.
Welcome to the battle ground where we fight addiction one day at a time. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


12/12/1986 is my sobriety date. It didn’t happen the first time. I’m in Colorado.


Off to bed. If you didn’t drink today you are a winner! God bless

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thanks, i will!!

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thank you!

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I’m in the same boat. Day one again for me. We can do this. :blush:


I have had several "attempts " at sobriety. The first real one lasted a little over a year. I made the choice to start drinking again. Thought I could handle it. After all I was sober for a year right? Well wrong. In order to keep it short I will skip the details. It got back to where it was and quickly worsened.

Today is day 585. I analyzed what I did wrong and identified the triggers. I also am wiser about what will happen if I listen to the little voice that wants to drink.

Being sober is simple. Dont drink. It is a choice. Nobody put a gun to my head and made me drink. I can blame only myself.

I said bring sober is simple. I did not say easy. It is my responsibility to do whatever I need to do so that happens. I sure as heck did whatever I needed to so I could get drunk. I think this deserves at least as much effort.

You can do it!! The are tools to help get you through. User this app often . Read the suggestions ask questions. Keep an open mind. If you are willing to go to any lengths to be sober then you will win.


wee bit behind me glad to meet another old timer

Hello Ray, glad to be an old timer. I was 25 when I dropped the rock. Now I work with and see a lot of kids. I think it’s drugs more than Barley Corn. Anyway God bless!

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It’s good to have an AA and an NA old timer with a very similar number is years inert they’re belt. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks Brian 34 when i got sober 67 now , today lots of programs on offer our day foot work and desire God Bless

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We’ve All gotten there One Day At A Time. Meetings, Steps and Service Work. Don’t forget your hire power!!! We don’t realize we are given something more in living life.