Day one again. I’m really hungover and feeling guilty.
I’ve been mainly keeping on top of my drinking lately, and I thought that maybe I could be a “normal” drinker after all. But on Saturday night I went out with my boyfriend and friends and got black out drunk. I woke up on Sunday and continued drinking all day and ended up puking.
I feel awful today and I have to work, though fortunately I work from home.
I’ve had enough of this now. I’m 31 and I’ve started to notice the effects of the alcohol on my skin. I don’t want to still be doing this into my 40s. Also I’m concerned for my boyfriend’s health. We are bad influences on each other and I hope that if he sees me give up it will encourage him to do the same.
This time I am going to be much easier on myself. I’m usually non stop productive all week and then by the weekend I’m so tightly wound I end up binging on alcohol for a release. I’m going to basically start being lazy lol. I’ll get less done but if it helps me give up drinking it will be worth it.
I’m also going to tell people this time, so I have accountability. I think I’m going to tell my Dad. I’m going to wait a couple of weeks so that he doesn’t just think it’s hangover regret.
Today I am going to take it easy and take naps in between working.