Day one is here and almost gone

So realy feeling as if i want to attempt this recovery process again, longest ive ever went 60 days and then fell off the wagon again, but more an more i think about the start of the journey how tough it is on the physical aspect of it all and i just basicaly start 2nd guessing it all over again so with that being said maybe i just need a little support from people on here, everyone have a lovely day.


Welcome back, and congratulations on almost completing Day 1. You are absolutely making the right decision.

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You are here today. Everyone you connect with here has started with day one, Welcome to the club

Here is the good news. If you stay sober and dont relapse…you dont have to go through it again.

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I can totally relate to your post

I’ve always felt wayyyyyyyy better realizing I’m sober then when I pick up and how that makes me feel

The fact is my life is not the same as it was earlier in my addictions. My head does not mix well with substances. Even pot that has less the 0.3% THC feels weird on me.

I’ve come to a point where I like being clearheaded over being high or drunk.

The problem is…
Over time I reminisce “the good times” I thought I had. And that’s very sad because I had more bad then good come from picking up. I thought acting like a idiot was fun or doing stupid things were fun; really, I was just drunk or high; that’s all there is to it

The pain i experienced looking for a substance with no luck was just terrible. Then I quit using and it’s everywhere which is ironic but the fact is it will always be there. The liquor store is opened

The first few days are the hardest. The only way to exparice the beautiful feeling of sobriety is to be sober.
Stay sober and you’ll see. When I beat a craving, best feeling ever

You got this



Hour 21 here too. We got this. We deserve this. We owe it to ourselves and anyone who ever loved us, past present or future. We owe it to our cats, our landlords and our neighbors. You got this.