Day one. It’s time to make some serious changes in my life

I woke up today after drinking too much again. Went to a music festival with my wife and friends and of course I was the most drunk person out of the group. I wandered off with my phone battery dead at the end of the night. I got lost and my wife and friends spent two hours searching for me. It’s time to make some serious changes.


Welcome to Talking Sober Jambo! Congrats on your decision to change your ways. This is a great place to find some help with that. Can’t do it alone. We need each other. And this is a great place for mutual support. Welcome again and wishing you all success!


Welcome to the community. It sounds like you had a tough night, but recognizing the need for change is a significant first step. Taking action now can greatly improve your future well-being and relationships. Remember to take it one day at a time and be kind to yourself throughout the process. :pray:t3:


Thank you, I appreciate it! :pray:


Yes, welcome! This is a great group. So much great stuff to read and super understanding, non-judgemental people. We’ve all been there, and we are all still taking it one day at a time.


Welcome. Only advice I have about making change is go slow and focus on one thing at a time. True change in this regard is made by a whole bunch of small things. When we try to change too many things, or make one big massive change all at once, we tend to get overwhelmed and then fail and that makes us feel hopeless like we can’t do it and then we give up and go back to drinking. So just go slow with it and just make small, incremental changes.

It’s important in these early stages to accrue accomplishment as a means of positive affirmations. So make your goals small and attainable. At least at first. And after some time, maybe a few weeks, a few months, or a year or two (you’ll know when it’s time), you can start making those goals a little more dynamic and complex. A little bit at a time.

Whatever you do, don’t ever forget this feeling you have right now. This is what will help you stay straight. When you feel like drinking, remember this feeling because it will remind you that you never want to go through that ever again. And you never want to put your loved ones through that ever again either.

Make a video for yourself. Write it down and keep a journal. Never forget it.



Welcome . Sorry to hear your event. Sounds like you have hope. Family came looking for you and didn’t leave you there. Stay strong and sober today. We are here for support. Reach out often.

One day at a time!


My wife used to say at any event maybe tie a rope round my waste so i didnt wonder lol, maybe try ameeting might help they helped me stay sober wish you well


Welcome, here are some resources that might help. Resources for our recovery
Consistency and connection are important, I feel. Whatever you do, do it daily and do it with others. We can definitely help with the last part! :purple_heart:


Welcome to the forums, and good on you for gaining self awareness.

What’s your battle plan?

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Welcome! This is a great place to be when you’re really ready for a change. Glad you are here!


@Collins I agree completely :100: The times I thought I would quit drinking and suddenly start working out again and eat healthy and clean my whole house didn’t work in the end. I just got overwhelmed by disappointing myself with what I didn’t do. This time, the only thing that mattered was making it thru the day without a drink. If I worked out and cleaned while doing it, great! But if all I did was sit around and watch tv, that was fine too. Even today, it was crappy out and I felt crappy, but I won’t be hungover tomorrow, and that’s something :relieved:

Coming here every day, reading and sharing, keeps why I’m doing this as fresh in my mind as if it happened yesterday. Never forget :muscle:


Hi and welcome here!
Seems like you can use a change in life, like I did too some years ago.
This app helped me a lot with that, just a little extra push in my back.
Being surrounded here by people who went trough the same was a relief for me. Still is!
Take you time to settle in here, read around a bit.
The thread I used loads and still use is:

A lot of us are checking in on this thread every day to keep ourselves accountable. It’s a very active thread with loads of support. Feel free to join, you will be welcomed there!

See you around and I’m glad you found us :raising_hand_woman: