Day one of detox 05/09/2023

My name is Shelton and this is day one of a detox from crack cocaine. Please send positive energy and I will support you all as well. I have been struggling with this drug for the last 16 months. I am committing to being clean. I was introduced to it through my ex fiancé. I quit when we separated in November 2022 cold turkey but when we reunited back in February 2023 I relapsed being infront of it. It’s was really bad in March and April the amount of money I spent is ridiculous. Please encourage me and I will sign in daily.


Welcome @sheltton to your sobriety journey. This forum is fantastic for support, advise, venting, distraction, etc

Just do it one day at a time. One hour at a time if need be. We are here for you!


Thank you so much. I need all the encouragement I can get and I will do the same for everyone on the journey as me

Are you still with your ex fiance? Are they trying to be sober?


Welcome Shelton. Glad you are here.

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No, I haven’t been with her since February. I still love her but I know I have to rebuild myself to overcome this. She has no desire to quit.


Thats very courageous of you to identify what you need for your sobriety. I found having a community helps me. I struggle with weed and alcohol and found my community here and in AA. There are others here who have struggled with your drug of choice (DOC). the key is not to find the differences but the similarities in others journies. We are all stuggling/recovering from addiction

You are worth a happy sober life!


Absolutely. I need a support group to do this. Everyone and I mean everyone in my phone contact list are either enablers, users , or hustlers. I’ve had to change my number but the biggest change starts inside me. I’m ready to start loving myself and connecting with others on this journey. I was addicted to weed for years. It was a coping mechanism. Then I went on vacation with her for a month at the beach when she was pregnant. I could not find Zaza/ strong marijuana I was use to, and she got me cocaine and I tried it for the first time. I knew better but I did it. I blame myself for not saying that’s not me when offered. But I didn’t I changed who I was from ambitious and saving money to a drug addict.

Thank you for sharing. Please anyone that reads chime in. I don’t have any positive support around me. I’ve only let one relative know. I have allowed a drug to take over my mental health and fianances drug to cope and destroying my future. I am going to kick this habit for good and love myself. Thank you all for honesty and positive energy.


I know how it goes all too well.
I am 34 days clean of crack…i relapsed a few times along my journy but this time i have fully commited and have reach out for as much support as i can receive.
I have given up all social media accounts and phone.
I have a phone with this app and communication through my childrens messenger only. So i speak with only sober ppl.
I have less than a full of sober people that i can actually visit in my area and when i leave my house for the simple things i am almost bombarded with other users or dealers!!! Small communities can bring out some bad additions as bordom is a real thing!!
I am here to chat…the days get easier but being an addict never changes. We have a disease that needs to have daily maintenance to keep it at bay so to speak.
My gratitude list and this forum have saved me many days so far!!! Think i joined this group 2 weeks ago!!!
Welcome Shelton. You can do this if you put the work in. We are all here to support you on the good days and bad!!!
One day, one hour, one minute …ONE SECOND at a time.


thank you so much lea. yes that is so true.

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this website will be used daily and nightly by me this isn’t easy.but im committed to being better. I relate so much to your post. I have to be in a bubble until my thought patterns are changed.


thank you I need this support so much


Definitely I struggle with alcohol, I’m on nearly day nine of many many times trying over the past 6 years, stay on here as much as possible love and strength sent

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day 2. The voice of the old me is asking to get high. I’m denying it. Its really hard but I can’t do it


Hey darlin, my voice is screaming at me today also!! Im finding activities to keep me busy and pushing through 1 second at a time!!
This app is a huge TOOL for me. I find it as motivating as i do informative.
The sun is shinning in my neck of the woods and my children are home, i am greatful for another sober day!!!

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what’s epecially nice about being new to places like this forum is that even if you can’t post or don’t feel like it, there’s so much to be gained just by reading the different threads & messages - that are all “new-to-you”!



Welcome! My DOC was crack cocaine also and I am now 451 days clean. I dont say this to brag but to only show that it is very possible to recover. The first thing I did in early recovery was to write down my reasons why I quit. When cravings popped up, i would read this list over n over and remind myself of how bad it got. This is a wonderful forum with amazingly supportive people :slight_smile: hope u stick around and keep posting!


How you doing?!? I hope you are finding this forum to be a useful tool. Together we can all help one another. You are never alone. We may be a screen away, but thats it. Reach out and connect.
I know how difficult these days are.
Congratulations on your 451 days clean!! I know the struggle is real and its an impressive win!! I was clean for almost 2 years and fell back into it. My will power depleted and i was a firm believer that moderation was what i desired and could handle…boy i was wrong again!!!
Its ALL or nothing…im learning again!!!


Oh thank you!

Isnt it absolutely incredible (and scary) how our addictions are always sort of just waiting for that opportunity to sneak its way back in? Just with the thoughts of moderation or thinking we can handle it. Its soo baffling and cunning. Im glad ur back in recovery tho! And u know… u havent lost everything uv learned over those 2 years of recovery. U obviously put in alot of hard work during that time and its just more knowledge now for this time around :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the support had AA today.

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