Day one of next chapter

Today is my first day back with my family so far it feels weird…I got so use to the scheduling and structure in the treatment center. Now I have to adjust once again while trying to maintain my routine I established, gonna be hard for a little longer more because my new born is still in the nicu as he was 11 weeks early hoping we can go home soon so tonight my husband and I will start a shift schedual at the nicu to push baby to feed more on the bottle for the next two weeks. Then I will have to adjust back home once again.

Honestly I’m scared and anxious of this transition what if I forget everything I learned


Welcome back Ashley, I’m glad you’re here.

Focus on the one thing you know for sure: you need to stay sober.

Do whatever you need, ask for whatever you need, to do that. Expect to feel a little weird because you’re behaving differently than before (when you used to run to your addiction). Now you’re sober, and so the way you do your life is gonna change.

Things that can help you stay sober:

  • Join an online sobriety group: Online meeting resources - also - talk about what you’re going through, share, get connected with people who sympathize and understand - you need that connection to not feel alone (because feeling alone is an easy door to relapse)
  • use HALT: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired - those four things are a big trigger for many of us - pay attention to your body and your feelings and get the food, the attention, the company, and the rest that you need - and you’ll have what you need to stay sober

Remember: don’t let yourself disappear. Don’t ignore your needs. If you focus on your sobriety and your health, everyone wins - your baby and yourself.

Take care Ashley and keep checking in :innocent:


Thank u for the link and the advice

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And Ashley - don’t be ashamed to be at meetings with your baby. Take pride in it. You’re being sober because being sober keeps you and your family healthy and safe.

You have nothing to be ashamed of and you and your child deserve a safe sober life.

You mentioned structure - if you want to add some structure to your routine you can go to a few meetings a day, online: morning, noon, night. Feel free to attend as many meetings as you want. That rhythm actually feels reassuring after awhile - it’s a structure that feels familiar.

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