Day one of sobriety for me

I just did day 1 yesterday. Stay strong and remember why you made this choice. You got this!

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Thanks for the support :relaxed:

How I finally stopped drinking was sitting down and drinking coffee at every AA meeting I could get to. Hope you find your way!


Hi, I’m in the same boat. I’ve had so many day ones, hard getting to day two. I wish you the best!

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome Sarah! :wave: Lots of good advice above; I just wanted to chime in and add my voice to the welcome party.

Read around, explore the writing here, and take some time to check in if you can - it is super helpful for getting out of your head and staying grounded (at least it is for me):

Checking in daily to maintain focus #41

You’re a good person and you deserve a safe, sober life where you can be your full self. :innocent:

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Thank you for these words. I need alot of help.

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Do you know of any AA meetings in your area? You should be able to google it.

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So glad you’re here Sarah. For me it took going to treatment as I am part of the thirsty thirsty family of alcoholics! Then, after rehab I dug into meetings and worked with a temp sponsor to help me stay focused on the prize – life!

I still attend meetings once weekly and come here daily. All it takes in the beginning is a desire to stop and we find what works and work it.

See ya around.


Hi, thanks for sharing. For me I know I can do this…I need some support


I’ve been looking for meetings. I’m worried bc I get very anxious trying new things.


My first meeting i was greeted with smiles and warm welcomes. New comers are the best thing for meetings. Without AA i would not be sober today.


Feeling anxious is very common - a lot of people feel that way in the early days. :innocent:

Maybe try an online meeting - you can attend and don’t have to turn on the camera:

24 hour zoom marathon meeting
Code : 292 371 2604

There are more here:

Online meeting resources

Take care and keep focused on your goal. If you’re choosing that something matters - if you’re choosing that being healthy and grounded (meaning: sober) matters - then just take one little step per day, and keep reaching out and sharing (here or in your meetings). Getting clean and healthy is about sticking with it and learning to take care of yourself in healthy ways - and you can do it.

One helpful word is HALT:

Hungry (so I need to eat)
Angry (so I need to talk with someone about it)
Lonely (so I need human connection - this can be at a meeting, online or in person, or here on TS, or wherever you can have a safe human connection)
Tired (so I need to rest / sleep)

If we ignore those four things it puts us in danger. Learning to pay attention to ourselves and meet our healthy human needs is a big part of getting healthy and clean :innocent:


Thanks for the information…I will try the online meetings first.

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You got it Sarah. One step at a time, and keep in touch. As addicts we tended to isolate. It helps to stay connected - it whatever way works for you :innocent:

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I will definitely check in daily, thanks :blush:

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Hang out with the women and or girls that are committed to being sick of the insanity and are finding solutions to stay sober, safe, inspired and connected to each other, and see and emulate what they do- this is the best rainbow ever in the history of ever- TRUST and watch youll start finding little lights in you heart n mind. if you simply ask for help and are willing to take suggestions. Look forward to the days that tou made it past this because you so will. May you be safe, connected and have all you need (at times it wont feel like it but solutions happen one way or another- let it be the safe “other”.:metal:t2:

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We’ve all started with Day1! Welcome and may this be the beginning of a brand new and much better life for you!!


A very important day. All we have is one day at a time, so first day is huge!!! Congrats, that is very inspiring, thank you for sharing. Reading comments daily in this app motivates me as I hope it does you. :call_me_hand:t4: #879daysAF


I’m so glad I joined here. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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