Day one on the Road to Recovery

All together it’s been 8 years I’ve struggled with addiction. 3 1/2 clean at one point until earlier this year. July 5th I relapsed. I’ve gained so much before I did. Got my own place. Got a nice car fully paid for and a loving girlfriend by my side. However it’s all at risk now. Along with with serious health issues thrown in the mix. So yeah, I need to do something… And fast. I will be honest and admit this is my first day attempting sobriety and I can only hope that this time this is it. I’ve noticed with questions and receiving feedback It really helps me out ALOT. So I’m going to continue in doing so, but I know that’s not enough to stay clean. Therefore I want to find out more of what kinds of things I can do to get through this. Not my full story but a current one. Hope this is it.


Hello and welcome,
Read you on another tread. 3 1/2 means months or years?
If it’s all at risk you have a lot to fight for! And you can do just that. Do whatever it takes and don’t pick up the first drink.

This things below helped me so far, maybe they fit you too:
No alcohol in my house
Refigarator filled with nice food and alc. free drinks
Telling my spouse about my sober plan
Avoid alcohol related activities and friends (at least in the beginning)
Having a day counter
Avoid wine section supermarket and liquor store
Taking a strong vitamine B complex
Taking melatonin to help me sleep
Be gentle to myself, like go to bed early, taking a long bath, etc.
When craving: do anything but don’t drink so walk, run, work out, eat chocolat, watch Netflix, clean, study, whatever.
Be here every day to read and check in sober.

I wish you well :heart:


If you’ve tried, for years on your own to get sober, but have been unsuccessful, it’s a good idea to at least try a few meetings.
I use this app to find AA meetings near me. It’s been an invaluable tool.

Looks like there are quite a few meetings in Visalia, which leads me to believe your city has a strong recovery community. Try a few different meetings at a few different locations. You’d be surprised how different they can be from each other.


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