Day One…thoughts on AA?

I have been a heavy drinker for several years now. Last night I finally said out loud that I have a problem. I am not in control. So it’s day one. I don’t think I can quit on my own, so I have been researching AA. Any thoughts on AA? I went to a meeting once years ago but I felt uncomfortable. Any tips for getting started? I’m really scared. But more scared now to not quit.


Glad you’re here! I don’t do AA, but it works for many. If it doesn’t work for you, you just gotta find what does and stick with it. I hope we can help. Do you like to read or listen to books?


Hi Birdy, thanks. Yes, someone recommended Allen Carr. Do you have any recommendations?

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First of all, congratulations! AA is a great place to start. You don’t have to commit to a lifetime of meetings by calling, so I definitely recommend it.


Thanks Bobby. The whole thing is scary and I think is going to be really hard, but I think it will help if I can talk to other people who understand what it’s like to be addicted to something. I hope so anyway.


It is absolutely the best place to go. It will give you a look at how much damage alcohol can do and also how people can recover and feel great. You can also meet some sober people to do things like go out for pizza and such. I’m going to try to post a YouTube video of a late night show talk host and after watching this video, I decided to go up the street to my first AA meeting.


I haven’t attended an in-person meeting in a while, but one thing I remember most about them was this feeling of SAFETY I had when I was there. Nobody judges you. Everybody there shares that one common goal: to recover from their addictions, to heal. It felt like a safe haven. You don’t have to share until you feel ready to, but once you do it feels very cleansing. I’m a shy introverted person by nature, yet by my second visit I was ready to share. You’ll feel comfortable really quickly…at least I did.


Check it out, it’s light hearted, but he gets to a very big point at the end


Thanks William. I am really introverted too and have a lot of social anxiety so I’m nervous, but I think I need community that understand. When I try to talk to friends and family that drink but we not dependent on it, they just don’t get it.


Getting sober is uncomfortable no matter which way you do it. I do know that without AA and working the steps I would not have my amazing life or over 5.5 years sober.

For me I had to get over myself and my misconceptions before the program worked.


Congratulations! It gives me hope that it has worked for so many people.


I was a reluctant member at first. I was homeless, angry and afraid. But I kept showing up and I kept an open mind. Everyone was just endlessly nice to me, despite me being a grump. Eventually I got a sponsor and worked the steps and my life improved so much that I cannot even describe it with words


It didn’t work let me try again

Maybe the site does not allow YouTube videos


How long did it take before you felt better? The thought of life without drinking feels impossible.


Better is a subjective term. It’s a process though. Sometimes it might seem like it’s taking forever but as long as you stick with it your life will get better.


I went to AA and its worked for me maybe give it a try , Met Craig once at a Glasgow meeting


I think I am going to try it.


AA took some getting used to for me. After a few times it all felt normal, even the prayer at the end when I wasn’t sure what I believed in. I always felt more positive on the way home and started looking forward to going back.

That was during the darkest period. After losing a job and getting a DUI back to back. Giving up drinking, cigarettes, and addictive prescription drugs at the same time while wondering how to get myself together to pay the bills. I think AA helped more than I realized.

I think if I stuck with it I wouldn’t have relapsed. There were too many excuses. New job, meetings too far away, I’ve got this all under control, etc. It’s easy to get overconfident after a while and think you have all the answers then let your guard down.


Give it a chance, being uncomfortable won’t last long once you meet people.


GO! It saved my life.