Day Treatment- Thoughts?

My case worker thinks a day treatment program would help. I know a lot of my drinking problems stem from my mental health. And it doesnt sound like this kind of program helps in thst department. It just sounds like classes on how to treat addiction. Vs how to hell my mental. Has anybody had amy experience in these kind of programs and if they actually help? Id be missing 3 weeks of work which also i know will reallt not help my mental health. Any advice or personal opinions/experience welcome!

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When I was trying to get sober I went through the same thing of listening all the reasons why something wouldn’t work. It wasn’t until I started listing all the reasons something would work that I was finally able to get sober.

There are several threads discussing day treatment. you can use the search function and read through it. Lots of different experiences there.

It can work
Just take it as it is. A chance to work it and not ignore the issues

It might be a different thing here in Germany. When I hear day treatment and what I understand, I did it and it was the same program as for the inpatient people only that I was sleeping at home. Anyway. I took a lot of each treatment, each therapy, each psychologist even when I didn’t like them. Often it’s not obvious when you go there, when you go through it.
In one therapy we had a session to prepare how to deal with going home. I remember some things: be grateful when you can apply 10% of what you learnt aka baby steps and when someone would be asking me HOW it was to not respond. Which was really really difficult. As people tend to think that you have been in treatment for some weeks and come out completely healed all the while staying the same person.


I’ve heard that one before. It’s crazy

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