Day two and yikes!

I’m on day two no alcohol and it feels all kinds of strange :pensive: trying to keep my mind focused. I feel very anxious, a little Sick and a little achy! Any pointers


I started by being active here. I read every thread I could, participated as much as possible. Along the way I learned a lot, had some fun and formed some great friendships.


Day 2 is amazing and i promise you will start feeling better soon. Its so worth it also. The fog will lift and you will start to feel human again. You are doing amazing❤


Congrats on making a great decision. It takes some time for body and brain to heal. Anxiety should get better. It’s hard which is who there are so many options for support. I do this community, local AA and online The Luckiest Club to help me get and stay sober. Never been better


First couple days your physical withdraw will act out. I found it worst then the mental. It will pass but those trigger moments. I personally found when you get the urge supplement with sparking water or something else in your cup or glass. Trick your body with that. Trying to get out or some air or a walk to get your mind off of it.

But the physical cravings are real. Coffee, food or anything else in the early days will get you through.

Hang in there it passes and it’s totally worth it once your body stops asking for it!! We are all with you and here! This place has been such a great safe space.


Do a brain storm… Literally pen and paper.

What new things do you want to try out in life? Start small but go big as well…

I learned to crochet, it kept my hands and mind busy.

What interests you? Learning an instrument?? I learned the banjo and it’s awesome fun to play!

What about physical activities? Could you try out a new club? Try a running club or kayaking? Anything?!

What about art?? Could you get some supplies and try a self portrait?

Just brain storm it out and write down ideas.


I truly love this place thank you so much for the advice yes pen and paper has been a good friend of mine the past couple of days. Here in central Ohio we got some snow so we are all kind of inside so that’s a bummer and to the person that said it feels like a fog that is a perfect way to put and I feel very tense. Is anyone opposed to kombucha I have heard it helps in these cases


Amazing work my friend, keep going, no matter how hard these first few days get :pray: if you think at any time you’re in need of medical attention call emergency services straight away.

We all have your back, each and every one of us want you to have what we have. Keep coming back :muscle:


I wasnt a very heavy drinker just very consistent I had a friend come over the other day who was a morning, noon and night drinker(now sober) and when we talked he said I’m getting close to having a problem he said if I went to detox they would tell me to do out patient as I am not physically dependent like he was