Looking to get sober Gain I go to therapy but still relapsed I was thinking trying yoga any links for beginners to feel better
i went to meetings they helped me stay sober never tried yoga,
A good Scottish lad like yourself and no Yoga??
Och, yer talking oot yer arse
I do like Yoga with Adrienne! They’re not too long but she really focuses on mindfulness and growth welcome back!!
my boys would be exposed especially if i was wearing my Kilt
Great thanks think I tried this before ,how long u sober u thinkyoga might help
I’ve contemplated being sober for years now!
Tried regulating, replaced one addiction with another but really feel positive it’ll stick this time. I’m 38 days no marijuana or cigarettes and over 2 months no alchy. The first couple weeks are tough but then it does get easier. I’ve gone to a few aa meetings which definitely helped and the “one day at a time” and “play the tape forward” really clicked for me. I’ve been fully transparent with friends and family this time which definitely helps too! And checking in here quite a bit. I just know for me a life of sobriety offers more than the alternative. As for yoga, it does 100% help you feel more grounded, focused and helps build confidence from the inside out which in turn makes you stronger to battle your addiction. Would def recommend even if it’s just once a week! You’ll get more of a natural high and can learn to self soothe instead of turning to your DOC!!
Very good I hope you achieve it this time ideally hope I do
You will if you want it!!!