DBT & Me ( & you, you & you!)

She’s the one who asked me. And its great cause she lives in my town! Theres only four of us. And one is graduating soon. I hope to keep in touch with her too. The other person is the other office in a different town.

The whole point of DBT, which granny doesn’t seem to understand, is to help each other when you each need it. BUT not forming confidential relationships.

I mean i was just curious is all. @Its_me_Stella have you formed any friendships from DBT?



No I didnt. The first group I was in was very strict on not exchanging information as it was run by a hospital and we were all high suicide risk. Then second group I was in was run by the government and on ZOOM there was no allowance of private conversing or exchanging of personal information. Probably for the best in my opinion.

I am glad that you have found a friend though. :heart:

This is actually a skill we are taught in DBT. The muscles in then face have a direct effect on the way we feel emotionally. I bet if you felt that slight smile a little more through your heart you would feel even more relief. Great work!

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That was really interesting. I hadn’t thought of it like that before. I’m going to go out of my way to put a lot of effort into that mona Lisa smile and not just when im trying to cover up my dislike for someone lol
Thanks for sharing.

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Follow up…
Wow this exercise really helped me today. I caught myself many times at work today and put on that Mona lisa smile. By the end of the day my mood was lifted, which is opposite from normal. Usually by end of shift I’m a bit cranky.
Definitely will continue to work this and make it a habit.

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There are do many great skills in DBT. I will add some videos of my faves.

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Omg, I feel like I could post the whole channel. But these ones I use a lot, if you have time take a look at the channel.

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Thank you for sharing. I am off to sleep soon so I will definitely watch them in the morning before work.

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