Dealing with Family and illness is HARD

This has been a really hard trip home for me this Christmas. Hard for my friends and family too. I will spare you the details, but I will say there is a silver lining.

I am glad that I am sober this time. It is not easy. Last time I came, I broke another good sober run I had going. It gets stressful.
But if I am drunk, I can’t…
think rationally,
sign paperwork
Baby sit or
Help my loved ones.

I am constantly on the verge of tears or vomiting, but not from alcohol. So that is a good thing.


Daphne I am so sorry you are going through so much. I’m glad you are sober and here. I don’t have the words to help you feel better. But I’m sending you love :heart:


I’m so sorry you trip home for Christmas was so hard Daphne. Even in good times trips home can be hard. I’m glad you found the silver lining in all of it and didn’t pick up. And what a great gift to be able to give of yourself and help people and be responsible. Big hugs dear.


Thanks for letting me vent guys. Your kind words mean a lot. My family is not always so kind to me, even though I am really doing everything that I can for them. But I love them and I am grateful,that they are still with us.


That sounds very frustrating and stressful and hard for you. I am glad you are sober and venting here. Your family is lucky to have such a kind and compassionate person as you there to help them thru. :heart:


Your strength and sobriety is inspiring :heart:

This is a great place to vent and seek support, we are proud of you!

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All families have a degree of dysfunction, because families are made of people…

And people are dysfunctional.


True. I have to be empathetic and forgiving and patient. I am not always easy to deal with either. And I have not been home since 2019.

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I’m sorry, sometimes it’s hard to stay sober but you have a good run going. We are all here to support each other. :two_hearts:

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