Dealing with my daughter

I watched my bil go through the exact same thing you’re experiencing.
His little girl that he doted over, and I mean she was his life when his wife had an affair, came out about 6 years ago.
He was devastated. But now loves his son, just as much as he did his daughter.
It must be a major shock. Just give it time, don’t push against them.


That’s not helpful.? she clearly is not only concerned for herself .


What book is this please @aircircle😁

‘When things fall apart, heart advice for difficult times’ by Pema Chodron.

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DEFINITELY recommend “when things fall apart” - this little exact here is from “pocket pema chodron”. It is a tiny little pocked sized book with very short readings. I keep it at my desk at work and try to read one or two each day. Pema always helps me :slight_smile:


My children are everything to me. I have basically raised them on my own. We are very close. Yes, I am struggling with processing this new change. As a mother of a beautiful daughter, of course I had hopes a dreams for her… helping her plan and pick out her wedding dress, having grandbabies… etc. However, my heart hurts for her. No mother wants her children to have to suffer or to be ridiculed. But unfortunately this life she is going to be living will have more challenges. I accept my child no matter what gender she chooses, but not everyone in this world will…THIS is what keeps me up at night. THIS is what is stressing me out.


I hope you don’t think I was saying you weren’t being helpful I was replying to a comment EnglishD had made to you, it must be a very hard time indeed

No…I know it wasnt directed at me :wink:


Thanks @SinceIAwoke and @aircircle :grin:

@Anita_Jean. We all have these dreams of what our children may do and what they can give us in the future.
I do feel your pain as I said I saw my brother in law go through exactly the same thing.
But your child is an adult in herself now! Free to make her own path in life.
Your doubts and concerns are your own feelings about this. Based on your own understanding of the situation, again, I know this because of my bil. Obviously I have not had to deal with this personally, but I’m just trying to help you to calm down a bit. Yes we all have these ideas, but they are expectations, and expectations can become resentments, and those can creat division between you two.

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Oh, I know that this is a “me” issue and not that of my child. And I know in time I will work through them. But right now, it’s hard.


I’m not sure how you can handle all that. That’s rough

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Understood. Thinking of you. Sending you strength in my thoughts. :hugs:

Your messages have changed a bit over the course of this thread. Originally you were saying you wondered if it weren’t real but now you’re admitting that you’re scared for them. This is a process for you. In many ways you are mourning the loss of your daughter. This is completely normal!!!

I don’t know if I memtioit above do I apologize if I’m repeating myself…your child has probably been dealing with these feelings and processing them for years. But now they have come to terms with it and decided to come out. No one could possibly expect you to NOT go through a similar process. You need time to process too.

But I can tell you are doing that. You’re both are going to be okay. I know it.


I still don’t believe that she is. But that doesn’t mean I won’t love and support her, no matter what.


Whenever i am struggling with a situation, my sponsor suggests that I read 417-418 of the big book. And I inevitably end up saying my 3rd step prayer constantly, like 100 times in a day. Sending you courage, strength and :two_hearts: