Dealing with not having motivation

I’m not interested in anything anymore really… It’s hard to get out of bed… I feel lazy and I feel like I’m faking it to make it. Have you ever felt that way? I’m having trouble with anxiety in public, depression, and mood swings. What prescriptions helped/help you… What helped you get through this?

Sober from alcohol for 9 days and sober from meth 36 days…

Thanks for any feedback…

I think it’s ok to be disinterested, considering. It takes some time, a lot of time actually, for your brain’s chemistry to go back to normal.

What helped me is vitamins first thing. B complex especially. Also a well balanced diet and exercise.

For day to day stuff, I found setting one minor goal helped. Kept me focused on a small task that was part of a larger project. For example, I wanted to totally clean my house and was overwhelmed, so I did small chunks at a time. Focused on a closet or just the shelf of the closet one day, then maybe another shelf the next, and so on.

Breaking things into bite sized chunks was key to staying focused. Do something small, daily.

Wish you well.


Talk to a doc…maybe it’s remnants of detox, maybe it’s depression, maybe it’s both…maybe you need time, and maybe you need medication. It’s an important conversation to initiate and maintain with your GP at the very least.

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I can completely relate to this,I’ve been taking amphetamine for nearly 20 years since the age of 13 - I’ve reset on here countless times over the last 6 weeks, a couple of those times was because of exhaustion and feeling, well, nothing! I’m now at the end of Day 3 of my current attempt at sobriety and I feel exactly what u have just described. I’m shattered,I have no energy and absolutely no interest in anything or anyone. Holding a conversation is a struggle, I have to force myself to go to work as I’d lose my home if I didn’t. And as for my mood swings, they’re up & down more than a rollercoaster. Its draining. I’m just trying to take each day at a time,but I have written myself out a plan that I hope to put into action when I feel ready to,simple things really, starting an exercise class, going to regular counselling sessions (I’ve skipped a couple recently) eating proper meals etc. I have also found reading through this forum is incredibly helpful,even if sometimes I dont contribute, it’s full of information,advice and support from some amazing people who truly understand.
Even though we dont feel it now and cant see how we’re going to get through this,the people here are proof that we CAN! Talk to others, get the support u need and look after yourself as best u can. Sounds like pretty shit advice now I’ve just re read it but it’s all I can offer right now. But i at least hope by reading this u know you’re not alone.


It might seem counter-intuitive, but I’ve found sometimes jumping into things, and giving your all to something that is not fun or that I am interested in will actually generate it’s own motivation. In other words, just do it, get moving, don’t wait around for motivation to come. Make it yourself.


The situation of losing your home is a hard obstacle to work around-I have found a routine, even an easy one at first is a good idea. I’m at 97 days clean and all I could do at first was lay around, so I would suggest including in your routine some lay around time. And as easy as it is to be hard on yourself, but yourself a break for a little while! Only other piece of advice I have is Don’t use NO MATTER WHAT


Definitely! Thank you.


Thanks. I don’t feel do alone after sharing my post. I hope the best for both of us!

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U most definitely aren’t alone,for me it’s been quite a relief to speak to others who are going through the same as I am. This is a fantastic place to off load, share worries and ideas & to receive support, advice and kindness. It’s also 1 of the only places I feel I can be honest without being judged. I’m only a message away if you ever need to chat. Strength in numbers and that :slightly_smiling_face: wishing you well and good luck


Thankyou @johndanieliker and congratulations on 97 days that’s amazing :blush: you’re absolutely right,I believe this is the reason I relapsed the last time, I was putting way too much pressure on myself and expecting too much far too quickly. I’ve always been 1 of those people who is constantly on the go (obviously my intake of stimulants didnt help either!) but I find it very difficult to relax or take it easy. This is definitely something I’m going to have to teach myself. I’m just taking it a day at a time at the moment,reading up on here as much as I can and slowly introducing little pieces of my plan along the way.


If a day is too much, break it down to half the day, an hour,I remember feeling relief from mentally switching my focus to less time, and definitely more blood in the meth stream!! Also thank you,97 days is the longest in quite a while,I appreciate you noticing and being supportive!!!

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Just sharing my experience, I try to be easy on myself. I beat the crap out of myself my whole life (after being taught to do that by my father), which of course led me to drinking and drugs to stops the pain. So please just try to be gentle with yourself. You’re sober and that’s a huge accomplishment – and I think it’s OK to let everything else take a backseat to that. Take care.


97 days is amazing,you should be feeling extremely proud :blush: Everything feels too much at the moment if I’m honest but I’ve somehow made it to the end of day 4 so I guess that’s something right?


@Joey1 it absolutely is something, there is no difference between you and I except for a few days, the relapse would feel the same, and each additional clean day comes one at a time, and it sounds like you are ready to take on day 5 minute by minute if u have to. I won’t say you got this, bcz none of us “got this” but I can tell you want it. Be persistent to get something, be consistent to keep it

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