Dealing with the mundane

Most of our lives are mundane. Same old same old. I often drank so that I could get excitement within the mundane of life. What I’m finding out is that living is a discipline and boredom is going to happen. The majority of the time we have to learn how to be bored and how to accept the mundane within our life, I struggle. I struggle. However, I am learning to entertain myself and focus on positive behavior attributes. For example, I am walking more and I am dancing to music with my headphones on! Let’s all get our headphones on and do a little dance to get through the mundane attributes of this life.


I’m in the same boat.
I spend so much time doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen, it’s ridiculous. …And trying to cram as much housework in on my daughter’s one short nap.
Sipping beers and getting buzzed to music used to be my way of turning it into something ‘fun’
in the evening. Now I usually enjoy the silence, or put a podcast or guided meditation on in the background, and try and be consciously grateful for all the good things I’ve earned and have in my life.


Its really wonderful to see u posting! I completely get what ur saying. Finding hobbies and finding things to entertain myself was initally a challenge when first getting clean bcuz i didnt know what i even liked to do or what interested me. I still go abit stircrazy at times and get restless when i dont know what to do with myself lol. But Im hoping eventually i will just be able to enjoy not doing anything at all. Just enjoy the quiet and the “mundane”. Glad to see u posting friend :slight_smile:


So true. You really got it right! Thank you for your support.

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