Dealing with the past

Hey guys, I constantly think of all the bad things i’ve done in my life and I just can’t get rid of thinking about it, especially before bed… keeps me up!! does anyone else go through this if so how do you take your mind elsewhere?


Hi Judy, you can’t change the past, so rather than driving yourself crazy about what happened time ago, I would try focusing on the future and who you are now. Don’t punish yourself and be to hard on yourself, nobody’s perfect, and you are already working on a better future.


It’s all part of the healing process. Whether you work a 12 step program or not. Just be kind to yourself no it’s not who you are anymore and make ammends to the ppl you feel you may of harmed. In good time. Once you get some sober days under yourself you just start to accept what is.


I do two things:

Edit: as Mike said above it is a process. You’re still early on. This is a gradual learning and acceptance process.

I find it helps to understand that acknowledging something, even accepting it as an event in my history, is not the same as endorsing it. The fact that I know it happened does not mean it defines me.

It helps also to spend some time reflecting on what you want to do today, just one day at a time. Your daily routine is a big part of who you are. Think about what you’re going to make part of your routine, simple things, and do them. And be kind to yourself :innocent:


“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become” Carl Gustav Jung


Thank you everyone!!! This helped so much!!! Xoxoox


I know the feeling i pray it helps me

I dealt with this, I been actually journaling my life story here, it’s something of a therapeutic thing, it’s helping me release the demons that shackled me for years,

Not too long ago some one dear to me said I don’t want to know your past I want to know you, don’t let the past define you you don’t live there anymore

You don’t let your past live your future, it will eat you alive we all have fucked up pasts,