Dealing with unavoidable triggers?

If I were content with my life would I use?
What is the main reason I used?
To escape reality. To hide from emotions, and stress, physical dependence, no good reason really…

I hope that you will be able to find your reasons to quit. What is more important than the drugs? Happiness, health, family, a favorite sport or hobby, anything can be your reason. If you love it.
Sending you happy thoughts

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I don’t think you’ve been off your DOC for long enough to make this determination, but that’s just me. We all struggle in the early days, hell, hours to get a sense of what life can be like without that drug. I have chronic pain, others here do, too. That doesn’t go away when we get clean and sober but we find healthier ways to cope. Sure, society says that some substances are “bad,” but we are here on this site for a reason. I recommend you seek your reason. Being fully in this world without a substance to dull my mind is a big reason for me. I cherish that.


Hi again. So glad you responded. I read this whole thread again- you got a lot of honest, great responses. This forum has always done the same for me. I’m getting the impression you do not want to be sober? What has led you here to your 3 (maybe more now?) hours without pills and to this place? It might seem like the pills are your only friend right now, but you happen to be surrounded by a ton of caring people who are wise and non-judgmental. Many of us have been right where you are, mourning the loss of a “friend” that gave us a sense of security and peace. Keep sharing.


I am more content with sober life than I was using. My situation is tough to say the least…. Needing to remember my why I don’t use is a constant thing right now. It’s only gotten slightly better but now I have to deal with the feelings a lot more. Working through them slowly as to really learn the lessons I need to learn. Giving up control and surrendering has been tough.

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