Dealing with unsupportive people

I’m trying to get sober while still in a marriage where my abusive partner does not want me to. My plan so far is to not tell him and hopefully convince him I’m still using. No idea how this is going to work. I’ve been continuing to use in order to put up with him without showing much emotion. It’s kind of forbidden with him, to show any emotion other than happiness. The trouble is the withdrawals AND the fact that I hate him for all he’s done to me. Trying to figure out how I can keep this up until I can leave, which will hopefully be before the year is over.


Welcome to Talking Sober Saturn. Hope you can find some support here where it’s lacking in your day to day life. Sounds like a very difficult situation you’re in. Here’s hoping you can find a way out much sooner than later. Hugs.


Hello, this sounds like a heavy burden. With these emotions, in this environment, using must seem like the best coping mechanism. I applaud your decision to get sober, and I as well as everyone reading genuinely care for your success in this venture.
Your situation sounds unique (love, hate, high, sober) but you have more strength than you know.
Welcome to the community.
God Bless!!


Thank you both. Looking forward to better days.


So sorry that you’re stuck in such an unhealthy situation. Also hoping you can get out sooner than later. Hope this forum can be helpful to you.


I know it’s easier said than done especially because I don’t know your situation. But what I do know is you deserve so much better. I hope you can get out soon. Don’t let him drag you down! Stay strong 🫶🏻


Hi friend! Are there any free clinics you can go to, to get medical assistance with withdrawal symptoms - so he doesn’t notice? It’s time to start building yourself up so you can escape!


That’s a good idea. I’ll look into that. I think he’s noticed already. Hoping he gets distracted. I’m going to try to stick to this no matter what.

Thank you for that. I appreciate the support.

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5th day sober today. The hardest part right now is facing all the things I was so relieved not to feel. It’s hard not to cry or get angry. He definitely knows by now. Not sure why he hasn’t said anything yet. The suspense is anxiety provoking. But, I’m so happy to be 5 days sober. That’s something.