Death and drinking

Sorry if this is long…I feel so alone and just need somewhere to say things.
I was doing ok with the not drinking for almost a week when my Grandpa passed. I drank that night and then everyday for about a week. Today is day 2 of not drinking. Yesterday and today my anxiety has been terrible. I feel like crap, can’t eat.
I have been going back and forth on whether or not to go to an AA meeting. It’s a kinda small town and I don’t wanna see people I know.
Also, I feel stupid for feeling like I have a problem when it’s not so bad that I wake up and drink for breakfast.
Can anyone relate?

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You know what? If you did go to AA and saw someone you know, it would be so helpful. You would connect with someone going through the same thing. Or better yet, someone who has already gone through it and can help you.


Absolutely this. It’s so helpful to know that other people arr going through the same thing. Normal drinkers just don’t get it.


The AA buddy system is awesome. When I have friends entering recovery I always try to go to meetings with them. Plus if you don’t know the people when you get there, you will certainly be friends with them by the time you leave.


I absolutely can relate. I tried quitting drinking right before my grandfather passed in Jan. I will spare all the details but after I got home the night he died, I bawled my face off and drank for the next month trying to mask it like I always have. I quit drinking for good and forever a month and a half later and at that time I realized I had dealt with nothing yet. It has been difficult but a drink will only make it worse-what wounds don’t heal always come back. Hang in there love! I have had those same fears about meetings but I’m going to my first one tomorrow night 5 minutes from my home. I’m sure I’ll see people there I know but you know what? I’m ok with that. I want to heal enough that judgement doesn’t bother me. Getting the rest of my life back is all that matters! Hugs.


Running into someone you know at a meeting is surprisingly a complete non-issue. No one will judge you…they’re there too & you’re seeing them too. Very quickly you’re just two people, at the same place, working on the same problem. Very likely you’ll develop a new, cool bond with this person that you never had before.

I love it when I recognize someone. Instantly we’ve got each others back & are rooting for each other. If there’s any judgement going on, on my part, it’s only on the positive side because my respect for them just sky-rocketed! Asking for help & walking into that room is a brave, beautiful moment to be proud of, not fearful or feel shame over. Let me know how it goes :hugs:


Yeah, I guess I already know that answer. I can count on one hand the times I’ve been able to stop at one drink.

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