Decided to quit 3 days before new years

I’ve just turned 38 and to cut a long story my friends are all piss heads my dad drinks and most of my family do to. It’s an environment I’ve grown up in.
I’m not an alcoholic though but a binge drinker. It’s never 1 or 2 drinks, it’s the whole bottle of vodka and then some and it’s been like this for 20 years.
This year I became a dad and my God did the booze come out. Celebrations lasting since June!
The last week we drank loads, it was Xmas and my birthday. I think it was 6 bottles (vodka) in 6 days (feel sick just thinking about it). Anyway I decided to quit on the 28th. I’m not bothered about starting Jan 1st. I needed to stop now so it’s been 3 days now. I haven’t told anyone yet. Let’s just see how long I can last. I’ll take it one day at a time.
Thanks for reading and good luck with your journey


I could have wrote that myself. I’m an emotional binge drinker…my tipple is Prosecco but I don’t drink anything else. I’m doing this to get healthy and because it upsets my boys. Stopped drinking four days ago and I’m just taking it one day at a time. It may not be forever but more so that I can control my own life rather than the bubbles control me. The best of luck to you

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Hi shellie. Thanks for replying.
Trying to get more healthy myself, will try doing some exercise next week when it’s all fully out of my system.
I’m going to try to quit for a while year, probably never happen but I’ll give it my best shot.
Iet me know how you get on. Would be good to see how long we can hold out as we started similar time.

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Good for you! Yry not to think too far ahead . Literally one day at a time. I found telling people I’ve given up alcohol sounds stronger then "I quit drinking ". Alcohol is a poison and people usually don’t have to pry when you state the fact. Also, sayingnit out loud makes it more real for me! Good luck

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Sounds like we have a lot in common @Sharabi. I quit 8 days ago for my Birthday. My poison is beer, not vodka, but everything else you said hits close to home for me. I wish you the best on your new sober journey!

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I know how you feel. Stay strong. I haven’t told anyone yet either. But I plan on telling my oldest son tonight when we state our new years resolutions. Its good to have someone in your corner!:heart::heart::heart:

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Welcome! Only 14 days in myself. This is a great place with lots of amazing people. Much luck for your journeys…check in here often…this has helped me SO much :+1:

I am half-way through Day 7. On NYE. Crazy timing for sure. And I haven’t told anyone either. Going to a little party tonight, feeling lucky I have a terrible cold and can use that as my excuse for only drinking Perrier. Happy New Year to all of us!

I’m going to try 3 months and see how it goes. No in fact I’m definitely going to do 3 months. We can do this Sharabi…Happy New Year to you

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