Declutter your home and your life

Update. I’ll remove this pic in a while for privacy, but wanted to share with you guys.

I moved my desk from the long to the front wall as well and it sits surprisingly nicely. It’s still full of too much stuff but ODAAT, I haven’t gotten around to writing and paper stuff yet (one of my many weaknesses…)
Yday I went through all my papers and documents. I’m a chronically anxious ans avoidant p and this would not have been possible at any sooner point in time in my life. One big laundry basket of stuff I got rid off, rest went in a big folder.

All the cardboard boxes for my clothes arrived so this will be next for me, putting my reduced wardrobe in order.
I’ve found that a DIY p like me is maybe not so well suited to the radical reduction approach as some others. I’ve already regretted getting rid of a few things that just after I’d seen them again and let them go, ofc it came to me how I could have easily made them nice and cool again. Ah well. Trying to not be to regretful.
It’s been v sad coming across love letters my ex wrote me. Lovely, vivid, sparkly letters written on the sister typewriter to mine. Mine was in B, his in Edinburgh. Remembering that time in our lives, that stretch of long distance between being together fully, crackling with intensity and the purpose to make it, to be together for good. I lived in this reality where love was the thing that kept everything going long after it had begun to subtly change from his side years later, which I questioned but could never understand.
I just don’t want any more loss. And I guess I didn’t then either. We had so much love that any change could only have meant loss. So I tried to keep everything. So I did.
At the same time, this change feels not only terrible or I wouldn’t be doing it. It feels good and bad. Like some middle age blood letting or leeching. :microbe: :drop_of_blood: :european_castle:


That is a beautiful space. I’m glad you are feeling your feels around the break-up.

I re-arrange by book corner once every few months when the mood strikes. I love bookshelves and I’ll send you a return pic of mine tomorrow when the sun is up.

I have a hard time saving books anymore. I read 100+ a year and maybe keep two per year (that number is skewed by quit lit) because I have a whole box of sentimental books I can’t part with. Thanks for sharing your corner of the world. :heart_eyes_cat:


A declutter-er/collectors work is never done.

This is my cozy corner. Mostly my stuff, it’s where I sit to read with my coffee is the morning. I was so ready to snap a photo, post and receive applause and then reality sets in and I think “there is a lot of clutter here”.

Onward! Shared for a love for cozy spaces and honesty in the struggle.


I love your cozy corner :blush:


Me too. Thanks! :heart::coffee::books:


Right guys, by now, my flat is 95% decluttered (I could have been more rigorous tho w some of the categories, I suppose), basement 65%, and today is paitning the kitchen time. I’ve got my little helper Hamish w me. We’ve been listening to some Toni Morrison on audio (wow :heart::broken_heart::boar:) and have now moved on to some good old SK to cleanse the pallet. 95% done painting. Then I gotta clean up and put everything back in here.

Next up are painting corridor and bits of the BR/LR where ppl and dogs keep on touching and rubbing my white walls…

PS: @TrustyBird what is your secret? I’ve set myself a goal of 50 and I’m barely keeping up, and that’s w so much audio book listening, otherwise I’d be almost fully illiterate these days. :dizzy_face::boar:


I read like I do anything else in my life, with an utter disregard for moderation. :joy:

I read just about every day. I always have a book on my phone and I usually have at least two physical books going at any time. My favorite way to start the day is with a cup of coffee and two chapters to wake up my brain. Its my healthy escape these days.

I started this year with a new tradition that I hope to continue. I filled a backpack with childrens chapter books, picture books and graphic novels and rang in the new year on my couch with my nose in a book. I think I finished 6 or 7 books that night. Not all of them were important reads but they brought me joy and set me on the right path. 94 so far this year and counting. :sunglasses::heart:


Your space looks beautiful by the way. :blush:

I have years where I read like a maniac and years where I struggle to finish anything. Do whatever brings you joy. Reading is a skill you will hopefully have forever.


My Garage

Ever since we moved in to our house, 18 years ago, our garage was used as storage for everything but our cars. The garage is where things went to be forgotten.

Most of my life here, my garage had been full of boxes, random tools, junk, broken down cars that I thought I could fix… then I got sober and made great strides to get it to a usable state. I got rid of 2 cars, many trips to the dump and goodwill… then, my father in law passed. We “inherited” the junk in his garage, and guess where it all ended up?

After 5 years, I am finally ready to re-reclaim my garage.

This is what I’m up against


A double garage no less! Sending good vibes your way. It’s a big chore, and moving has helped us push through some serious decluttering. It’s much harder to do when you’re staying where you are. I’m halfway through my closet today and letting go of a lot of clothes I haven’t worn in years. Already did one massive trip to goodwill last week and will likely have one or two more.


Inherited junk is the worse!
Couple years ago my mum passed and I had to go back and clear the house. With me living in a different country I really had to think about what I wanted to keep and then have it shipped over.

Some got donated, some sold, but most of it ended in one of the three lorry sized skips. My grandparents used to live in the same house, and my mum inherited that junk and never cleared any. My mum was also the heir of all the junk from my great aunt, which got pushed in garage, basement, loft and shed… never cleared.

It was an awful task and I fel guilty for causing so much landfill.
But it honestly taught me a life lesson: keep your junk to a minimum, your kids just get frustrated sorting it out when you are dead.

Now I constantly declutter and I keep storage space to a minimum… the future generation in mind. I live a simpler life.


This has been in my mind lately. As my kids get older, it is less likely they will want my junk when I am gone, as they will accumulate their own junk. I’ve told them just to toss everything when im gone. :laughing:


Good advice. I think people hold on to inherited junk out of guilt.

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So, my garage door is REALLY loud and after watching videos on how to make it quieter, I took a trip to the home improvement store and picked up some mineral spirits and garage lube. Cleaned it up, lubed all the hinges, wheels and the torsion spring and some how, I ended up getting the door derailed and the cables fell off…

Now the door wont open or close. More youtube videos, another trip to hardware store, and a pending Amazon delivery… gonna attempt to reset the spring tension and re-align the cables. Then going to completely redo the opener as it was not installed properly (drunk Dan did it 18 years ago).

F*ck yeah! Just what I needed.


I’m glad you fired Drunk Dan the Handyman. I never met him but I don’t think I would like him as much. Onward with your can o’ worms!


Love love love your story telling! Wish you good luck, keep us updated :blush:


Hey Guess what!?!? I FIXED the garage door!!! Only took 3 trips to the store and one amazon order, but I got it done! It’s actually very quiet now!

Gold stars for me!

Now back to decluttering!!


I feel this pain. In a small 3 bed apartment stuff just finds its way in here… I’m tired of looking around and all I see is mess… can I just start over?? :joy: one day at a time I guess. Good luck, sorry I’m no real help, just wanted to say you aren’t alone.


Yeah you did! I never doubted you for a second. :clap:t3::clap:t3:


Listen to the minimilistic podcast. It helps! Great suggestions.

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