Defending My Sobriety Through Mental Inoculation

The Holidays can be tough for some of us. We have this ideal of what the season should be marketed to us from Hollywood and Madison Avenue. When it doesn’t measure up to this illusion, we get disappointed. We feel as if we are somehow deficient, because what we feel, doesn’t match what we “should” feel.

We go to the office parties, and there’s pressure to join in with the drinking, and because we’re trying not to, not only are we judged, but we question ourselves.

In a season of “Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward all”, we read the news. “If it bleeds it leads” doesn’t take a break this time of year. We forget that it’s newsworthy because it’s out of the ordinary, and the constant drumbeat of negativity gives us the idea that the world is falling apart.

All this can make us want to use, or drink, or get nasty with eachother, or withdraw, or spend money we dont have, on things we don’t need, to impress people who don’t matter. It can make us want to eat everything in sight.

And then we head into a New Year. We only think of the bad from the previous year, and approach the New Year with an unrealistic optimism only exceeded by unrealistic goals.

Inoculate yourself from this nonsense. Turn off the news. Turn away from negative people, be they in social media, or right in front of you. Hug your loved ones daily. Focus on the giving part of the season, and forget about the receiving. Have compassion for those who are drinking their way through these next two weeks, but understand that they are lemmings caught in the inexorable drive toward the cliffs edge. You say “no” to the drink that matters…the first drink, and you do it every time it appears in front of you.

Do this, and your sobriety remains intact. You wake up on NYD with a clear perspective. You decided to be better, and you are better. You know your strength. You’ve been tested and won.

You are prepared for another year of getting better at getting better, each and every day.


Damn ! On a silver platter indeed !


Amen to that my friend :slightly_smiling_face:

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excellent reflection

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Thank you so much for this. Bookmarking so I can turn to it whenever I’m struggling this month.

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Well written, well said, Mr. Yoda. I, for one, will be heeding this sage advice throughout the season. Thanks and have a great one!

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Isn’t that the truth. It’s funny because I’m pretty chill in general. I don’t care about sending out cards. I don’t even care about all get togethers with extended family. I just want quiet and cozy by the fireplace. But it just seems like everyone else comes at me with the "you should"s. Why the fuck (man, I’m sorry, I’ve been swearing a LOT here…I hope I don’t offend people) should I do anything? I’m so tired of feeling like I need to do the “right” thing and then feeling guilty that I’m not living up to other people’s expectations. If that’s what THEY want to do, fine, but there are no rules that say we have to be anything to anyone else other than possibly “nice” or “kind” (unless they are miserable jerks then I don’t even need to be nice to them).


And this. I’ve recently been doing some Pinterest searches on nice forms for NY resolutions. And some of the best ones include a reflection on the year before too. BUT they are specifically things that you LIKED about the last year (great memories, proud moments, goals you DID acheive). Surely we can ALL find some positive things from 2018 that we can use to build on for an even better 2019. Lets not just focus on the bad. There is always something positive.


Thank you @Yoda-Stevie, always wise and reminding me to ground myself and to grow on the inside. My Christmas expectations are to stay sober, that’s it. Last Year I was in bed by 6.30pm and missed half of the day through drinking. Not this time, I will cherish every moment with my children

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There was a thread a couple of weeks ago about why you hate christmas, or something similar. You have pinpointed the exact reason I hate Christmas. Commercialisation!!! It’s just another day off.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the time with family and whatnot, but bloody hell, what’s with all the spend spend spend and making you feel that you have to be a certain way. It’s enough to send anybody to drink.
No! This year even more than normal, I’m paying attention to what’s good for me. And that’s my sobriety and my girls. ( yes the sobriety comes first at the moment.)
Now what the hell can I buy my wife!! :joy:


Good on you for setting and defending boundaries. While this is the season for giving, you aren’t required to give away your sanity and peace to placate people who won’t likely appreciate it.

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