Deleted FB App and I Feel Free!

I have yet to download tik tok haha I’m scared if I do I won’t ever return to the normal world because I’ve heard its a very addictive app!


I’ve heard the same, plus I’ve heard security concerns too much for me.

Tic tok is fun. You definetly have a laugh and as if your on there for more than half an hour or an hour it automatically shows you a video to remind to get off the app. So that does help. Its a fun app. Just don’t sit on there for hours watching video’s coz itz easily done :joy:


i grew up no internet or mobiles so ive had experience living without it , today i use FB , made loads of new friends through it , but i can leave it when ever i want its the way of this crazy world . happy days


I think social media was beneficial back when it first emerged. Family and friends separated by distance and years could reconnect. People could find others who shared similar interests.

But like anything else where people are involved, we came to abuse it. It became a divisive time-wasting exercise. It became a medium of self-glorification, an exercise in ego.

I quit about 5 years ago. My political views differ greatly from those of most of my family in Boston. While I hold these views close to my vest, many of them were quite vocal in theirs. It was becoming a barrier between us, although they weren’t aware of this. Ironically, when my sister asked why, I told her I was tired of all the politics. She said " you should just have it to keep up with family" not realizing it was family that made me leave.

I have heard that FB, Twitter and the rest are even worse these days. I think it a wise move to quit social media, no matter what your reasons are.


I also deactivated and deleted Facebook over 4 years ago now, and honestly, have not missed it at all! Not one bit. Life is so much better without it. Slowly, I am deleting all social media as I find it such a waste of my time and it often doesn’t make me feel good having used it. Feels liberating when you delete it. And all social media is these days is marketing and advertising. Urgh, Pass!
Good on your for deleting it. :blush:


I had it briefly for a year or so in high school then deleted it for over 5 years! Didn’t miss it one bit! Got a new one in 2015 and I was so sorry I signed up again. So, I’m definitely happy with my choice again!


I agree completely - I have a few relatives that I really got along well with, but they would just want to argue about politics. I got so tired of being annoyed and upset whenever I went on FB - my wife never uses it and suggested I drop it. I don’t miss the arguing and division. I miss sharing funny cat videos with my daughters, but that’s about it.
This is really my only ‘social media’ these days except for texting between our immediate family.


I had to think about that a minute then I remembered facebook been around since 2008.

I used to hate when good ole zuck would put up memories from it like hey wanna remember your fuck ups from years ago


I destroyed my FB account over 5 years ago. Deleted every picture, post, every group and message chain, unfriended everyone (told friends in advance so they wouldn’t get offended) etc. Finally I deactivated the account and destroyed the email I had based it on. Less tempted go back since there’s nothing there, LOL. Have not missed it at all. Pinterest and TS are my only vices atm, LOL.


This is the only social media app I have on my phone :ok_hand:


My daughters keep sending me stuff on Instagram, but I think the interface is clunky and can’t figure out how to use it - just as well…


Thats what I did the first time and I went 5 years without it. The only thing that sucked about it, is that I ended up losing some pictures/videos that I wanted to have. But it wasn’t so awful that I regretted deleting it. Lol it felt so good too to destroy everything haha

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Thats exactly what I have Instagram for - my photography mostly. It is great! And its just pictures, no bs!

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Haha right! There’s a weird obligation to accept friend requests and it’s like why do I care if their feelings get hurt if I don’t accept when I barely know this person or we went to high school together and weren’t friends or I just flat out don’t like them :rofl:

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It just helps my own well being so much better by not being on there mindlessly scrolling through. I’ve actually read a few books since quitting drinking and not being on social media like FB helps me de clutter my mind.


Exactly my thoughts about those who have your cell number. If I want to contact anyone or them me, they should most likely have my number and vise versa. Just text me or call. Its more personal anyway in my opinion.


Just deleted the app off my phone, let the detox begin :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Yes!!! Proud of you!!!

I’ve deleted all social media off my phone cause it’s a problem for me.

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