Deleting social media

I think im starting getting used to the app now lol. I deleted all my social media which is tough , but i think it is just full of false advertisements to drink and i unfortunately cant drink like "the normal "person.
Its hard facing this new reality. Im going to have to majorly protect myself over summer as its when people get the bbqs out and expect drinking sessions. Im gonna start working out and getting my health back. I will not drink today ! One day at a time.


Great plan.


Each summer I set myself up a safe place. For me that’s the garden or my bedroom.
I’m not on social media, just here.
The safe space is so I can still enjoy summer and stay away from temptation on those difficult days.

If you don’t have an outside space going on walks and having a little read or picnic in a secluded area works well too.

When things feel tough or your environment your in is too tempting you have that safe space where you can do some things you enjoy. Or even just to relax.


I dont mind social media i was brought up without it for years old fart now , i have bbq with my neighbours they no i dont drink but in early sobriety iwent to friends houses who were in my home group so i knew there wont be any booze there , maybe try a meeting meet new sober like minded people wish you well


I deleted my social media my day 1. 6+ years later…Dont even my miss it


Hey , i think maybe when i am alot longer sober then social media wont be such a trigger for me. But at the minute its all glamorising drinking, then i see friends out enjoying themself drinking normally. And i get envious. But i am going to go to aa and hopefully start meeting people like minded. But for now i am happy in my own space, finding me. Thank you so much wishing u well too


I am hoping not to miss it either lol. I dont really care about facebook and snapchat its more tiktok as there can be some funny and great things on there even alot of sober people on there. But in the same breath lots of things i find a little triggering so early on in this journey. So im gonna start reading again. :heart:


Hi :smile: i will definitely have to find a nice safe space i can set for myself. I am a mum of 7 kids so quiet time is very far and in between lol. But most definitely think over the summer period taking an hour daily outside in nature to read would be absolutely beaitiful idea. Thank you


I deleted my social media too a while ago.
In the beginning I missed it a lot, but not anymore. It’s freeing! No more fear of missing out.

And more time left for the people around me ore being here to keep myself sober.


Deleted mine years ago and never looked back.

It frees your mind to seek out the things you are truly interested in, rather than have it served by an algorithm


I havent had facebook for years,i didnt feel comfortable on it,ive had twitter for a while but i dont post anything i just use it as a source of news as i dont think the msm is any good at atall.
This place is the only social ive ever been on that i felt confident saying anything on,i feel like im at home with my own on here