Deleting your own posts

Hello Talking Sober,

There seems to be some misconception going around where people think they can’t delete their own posts. You definitely can, even pictures or uploads, and you don’t need to flag your own posts so that moderators can delete it.

There are some limitations, but for the most part it should not affect you:

  • Posts can only be deleted if they were posted in the last 10 years
  • You can only delete 10 posts a minute
  • You can only delete 100 posts a day
  • You can’t delete a topic if someone has replied to it, but you can edit the initial post of the topic to remove content

Remember, you are always responsible for your posts. Keep that and the above limitations in mind when posting so you are never in the situation where you need to delete more than 100 posts a day and have to wait.

As a test, I created a “normal” account for myself that does not have any admin privileges at all. It’s just a basic user account. I created a topic. Inside of the topic I posted a picture and I made a normal text post. I was able to delete that picture and I was able to delete the text post. All using the basic user account.

To delete a post, even if it has a picture, do this:

  1. In the bottom-right of that post, tap on the expand button
  2. Then tap on the delete button

Could be an issue with your cache. Try clearing it, or try using another browser.

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I managed to delete some of my own posts with personal info and pictures on

Some wouldn’t delete though and some didn’t have an edit option on them

@SassyRocks did the majority for me though. Top mod :joy::ok_hand:


Thanks for taking care of this Robin! Happy to help when I can.

I seem to recall something about being able to delete posts you started but not responses to other posts. Is this correct?

What does it mean when you tap the trash button and your whole post just turns red (highlighted)
Also how can you change your profile name??. I really want to get back on here but I need my profile name changed. Please

If means you have deleted your post. You need to speak to a mod about a name change

Ok thank u

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After it turns red it doesnt disappear right away.

If you come out of the thread it will be gone if you go back in, it that’s how it works for me :+1:


Please also remember, do not flag your own posts for deletion. Flagging is for inappropriate (sorry C-sun!) or offensive, triggering, etc. posts. Flags can count against you!!! Please PM us the post # and thread or a link to it. Thanks!!!

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Thank you!!! You made my day​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart:

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I’m due a ban then because I flagged myself about 20 times :grimacing:

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Am I the only one who’s hit the ten posts deleted a minute cap? Jk

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Oh snap! I also propagated this myth. Didn’t realize the Delete got hidden behind the ellipsis.

My bad. Thanks, @Robin!

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