Delta 8 cheating?

Tomorrow is my 7th day free from alcohol. Is delta 8 cheating? Ive had these gummies for almost a year. I have hardly slept in the last few sober days. Is it okay that i used that as an aspect to stay sober from alcohol. The only thing ive ever done on delta 8 is eat a snack and all of it and take a nap

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It is up to you. What does sobriety mean to you? Are you aiming for sober, or just abstinence from alcohol?

Personally, I have no need to even experiment with that stuff. But you are you and you need to figure out what works for you.


Well the only thing ive ever done on my delta 8 gummies was go too bed too early and eat all the snacks

… you didn’t answer his question :innocent:

I think the fact you’re even asking this question shows you already know the answer. If it was sober - if it was recovery for you - you wouldn’t be looking for someone else to tell you it was ok.

So - what does sobriety mean to you?


Not drinking is soberity for me.

Then there’s your answer :+1: Keep us posted!

Delta 8 isn’t cheating because for most of us sobriety isn’t a game you can cheat at. It’s a life or death endeavor for myself and many others here.

Sobriety is also not subjective. You are sober or you are not. If your goal is only to not drink then you’re fine. If your goal is sobriety I would suggest not taking it.

Early sobriety is hard both physically and mentally. Your inability to sleep is your bodies reminder that drinking sucks. There isn’t a shortcut through the misery of early sobriety. What has worked for me is working a program of recovery, that’s helped my sleep more than anything


It’s your life and you make your own choices. However, I would like to remind you of what’s written in the FAQ which you can find here: FAQ - Talking Sober - Addiction Recovery Forum & Support Group

Be mindful that this is a space for people experiencing a range of addictions, including alcoholism, drug addiction (including opiates, prescription narcotics, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methamphetamine, cannabis and others), gambling, porn and masturbation, sex and love, and others - this list is not exclusive. What one person may find appropriate may negatively impact another’s sobriety.

I started out as a cannabis addict. After I quit using cannabis my alcohol intake increased dramatically and it turned out I’m an addict per se. What you posted (delta 8 being kind of innocent to you) is slightly triggering to me. So please be aware of this when you participate in this forum.


As others have mentioned its your journey. But I can only speak for myself in that it absolutely would be cheating in my recovery journey.
I am an addict/alcoholic. The only way for me to fully recover is to be clean and sober from all mind altering substances.
I have tried to quit drugs and alcohol in many ways. One of those ways was to substitute one for another or use something that i felt was “less harmful”. The reality is, is that i ended up using wayyyy more of this “less harmful” substance and eventually returned to my DOC. All drugs cause harm wether we see it at first or not. So the fact of the matter is, is that in order for me to truly reap the benefits of sobriety and all that sobriety has to offer, i must be completely clean from all mind altering substances. Ive spent over 20+ years trying to either moderate, or figure out a way that i can use “normally”, wether that be using other substances then my DOC or by cutting back etc and it never, ever worked. I always ended up back where i was originally, and sometimes worse. Thats just my experience. The sleep issue will sort itself out and there are much safer options to help with sleep that taking a substance. I struggle with sleep and i have spoken to my dr about that issue and she has helped me with that. Maybe speaking to ur dr could provide u with some diff options :slight_smile: