Demons got me

So I’ve been sober nearly 20 days from alcohol. However I’ve replaced alcohol with substance abuse with k. I really do wanna do cold turkey on everything but I dont understand why I have replaced one addiction with something else. Really do need help.

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tons of us on this forum did that too. in sobriety/recovery ive come to understand that using/drinking werent the biggest issue - which turns out was me and my fucked up thinking. cause personally i know ill just keep going ftom one thing yo the next if im not actively putting work towards improving my thinking and outlook. congrats on 20 days thats great. :slight_smile:


It’s a struggle. We’re used to running so our default is escape into using, into numbness. Drugs.

Have you tried attending a meeting? It’s free coaching and it makes a huge difference to have something to learn from:
Online meeting resources

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My experience was that alcohol wasn’t the problem, I was.

Everywhere I went, there I was.

When I wasn’t right, I would do what it took to make me right, and that was pretty much always booze… then I’d try to kick booze and only smoke pot because I still longed to be not me or in my own head.


Good insight, I can relate.
I hope you and your crew have fun tonight for your birthday! :hugs:


In my experience k was a similar high so your body still seeking that alcohol, so the k felt similar and thus your body now craves that. You can do it man. Fuck k that shit will get you no where. Stay strong, and remember 1 day at a time

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