Deoxyephedrine dependent

I have been injecting deoxyephedrine for about six mounth and today is the first day of my sorbriety . tomorrow the symptomes of withdrawal actualy starts and i am afraid i woudnt be able to control myself and slip
please wish me luck
thank you

Welcome, @Shahab_sky.

For a start, what is life like with it? And is yours prescribed?

For my drinking, I couldn’t imagine what life would be like without it either. Only knew life had become horrible and it had been so long since I’d been without I wasn’t capable of imagining what sober would even look like or how I would cope.

I trusted the good folks here, and turns out it was way better. It’s an adjustment though…


Stimulant addict here too, you are in the right place.


Wasn’t prescribed it but I used it heavily,

And I’ve noticed something, when I am not using Ritalin, aderall or any of its derivatives I’m in a better mood, I’m not as angry, i sleep better, I feel better once the toxins of it left my system.,

I couldn’t imagine life without it, then I did and I’m so much better physically mentally and spiritually


The question is, do you want to see?? You can see if thats what you want. It is possible. :trophy:

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