Depression and Anxiety

I have suffered from depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember, and it all got worse with my use of drugs. I tried taking damn near every anti-depression medication, and nothing had worked. I would relapse constantly due to the way I felt.
On this last trip to the hospital/detox I tried something different. I chose to eat right and exercise. At first it was awful, but I stuck with it. I’m am now on my longest length of sobriety in years, and I don’t remember being this happy.
Has anyone else had a similar experience or have you found something else that works?


Sounds like a damn good plan bro! I wish I could get on board with that.

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And btw, I know how readily available the stuff you’re trying to stay clear of is in Phoenix bro. I lived there from 2001 to 2012.

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@alpine_1975 thanks for the support mate. I’m sure you could get something similar going too! And hell yeah its everywhere here. Glad to hear you got out of here :slight_smile:

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A few years ago after 2 lengthy spells ofor severe Depression and Anxiety I did the same. Lost about 3 stone, exercised daily, ate well and stopped drinking (nearly!). I felt great, then I went back to work, stopped training, started to eat junk again, drank regularly and a lot. …
Now I am 4 stone overweight, very unfit and struggling not to slide down again…
My mission is to find time to exercise daily, eat better again and cut the beer (and fags). Starts tomorrow… what a day to chose!!

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@jbj good to hear that your trying to improve your life :slight_smile: there’s no better time than the present, so tomorrow is a great time to start. I wish ya well, good luck mate!

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Thanks mate.
Keeping my fingers crossed!!

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I’m currently on a medication for depression and anxiety. But I believe exercise and a good diet are a big part of my recovery as well. It’s amazing when you take away drugs and alcohol (things that make us lazy to say the least), how we start doing the right things for our mental and physical health

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@Oliverjava hell ya mate! I completely agree with ya about the walks too. Way to get that time under your belt, keep it up.

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@Melrm I’m glad to hear your getting the help you need :slight_smile: some people do much better with the aid of medication combined with the natural forms of stress relief. I just found taking nothing helped me the most.

@xmarkvsx I’m hoping to ease off the meds and depend only on the exercise and diet in the future. I was having panic attacks and long dangerous bouts of depression so I needed a little help to even me out.

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@Melrm it’s always good to take baby steps in that situation :slight_smile: Just take one day at a time, and I hope things get better for you!

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